The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun wrote a note, and posted it on the apple tray:
"Take only ONE. God is watching."
At the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.
A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."
Monday, April 30, 2007
Hmmm ... apple or chocolate chip cookie?
cafeteria lunch
Sunday, April 29, 2007
He's looking good
I hear Adam now weighs 6 lbs., 1 ounce, and as you can see the little guy is doing well.
Looks like he is a good sleeper.
Baby love
Saturday, April 28, 2007
What are you gonna do? It was the 80s
When my husband and I first met, it seemed like every other song on the radio was a Lionel Richie hit from 1983 from his second album, "Can' t Slow Down."
We used to listen to : "Penny Lover," "All Night Long," "Hello," "Stuck on You," "Penny Lover," "All Night Long," "Hello," and "Stuck on You." And it was probably ad nauseam, now that I start to think about it in hindsight.
Or maybe the titles could all be rolled into one: "Hello, Penny Lover, I'm Stuck on You All Night Long."
Well, I hope she likes him, or it could be a l-o-n-g night for her.
Before he danced on the ceiling
And another one, just because
A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.
The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.
The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.
The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah."
The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"
The little girl replied, "Then you ask him."
The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.
The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.
The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah."
The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"
The little girl replied, "Then you ask him."
Bible story
Sunday School fun

A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five-and six-year-olds.
After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"
Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered,
"Thou shall not kill."
("Moses with the Ten Commandments" - Rembrandt, 1659)
Ten Commandments
Friday, April 27, 2007
I'm lovin' it ~

But then again I am easily scared.
Today I went to a school program featuring an appearance by Ronald McDonald, that wacky spokesclown from McDonaldland.
He captivated the elementary school kids as he talked to them about the importance of staying physically fit by making it a habit to get plenty of exercise.
The children learned to use their imaginations on a rainy day when they can't play outside, and he got them to travel into outer space with him on an imaginary rocket ship.
The kindergartners through third graders loved the program and even had a chance to scream at the top of their lungs at one point.
Just another one of the perks of my never-a-dull-moment career.
Another gnome?
The following is an open letter to my husband.
Hi Homer,
I know you know I love gnomes. Well, I was wondering if, even though we have a pile of bills, I could go buy the cutest little guy that I saw in the store the other day. I think he costs $8.
Yes, it's another gnome. But you know how I feel, a gnome makes a house a home.
Love and kisses,
Hi Homer,
I know you know I love gnomes. Well, I was wondering if, even though we have a pile of bills, I could go buy the cutest little guy that I saw in the store the other day. I think he costs $8.
Yes, it's another gnome. But you know how I feel, a gnome makes a house a home.
Love and kisses,
Post script to previous post...
I just looked at MIT's Web site and yesterday the employee in question issued a public apology for misrepresenting her credentials. I guess you just never know about people.
I feel kinda sorry for her.
I feel kinda sorry for her.
Hard to believe

The report says the dean of admissions at one of the country's most prestigious institutions of higher learning has been asked to step down for allegedly falsifying her own resume.
Yes, you read that correctly. Or as humor columnist/author/baby boomer Dave Barry would say, "I am not making this up."
The woman has been employed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 28 years. The story says she "misrepresented her education," claiming she had earned degrees from three colleges. Apparently she did not graduate from any of them.
And last year she even co-authored a book, "Less Stress, More Success : A New Approach to Guiding Your Teen Through College Admissions and Beyond."
OK. As the mother of a daughter who just went through the college application process last year and a son who is about to embark on the college application process in the fall, I cannot find the words to describe how appalled I was to read about this woman.
How could she have pulled the wool over MIT administration officials' eyes for almost three decades?
I am shaking my head.
College admissions,
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Change of address
So I just got back from filling out a change of address form for our former bureau so that the late-breaking news contained in the mail we used to get (that's a joke) will be forwarded to the main office.
It occurred to me as I was carefully printing inside the boxes that I may be doing it wrong.
Are you supposed to leave spaces or just run the letters together?
I left spaces, but I wonder if it is going to be "processed" by a human or a machine.
Forms scare me sometimes. They're so...form-al.
I guess I am afraid I am going to make a mistake. In pen.
Other things that scare me sometimes are open spaces, high places and NASCAR races (sorry Michael but it rhymed).
Things that scare me all the time include closed spaces, examination rooms with no windows, MRI machines, any room without windows, and snakes.
It occurred to me as I was carefully printing inside the boxes that I may be doing it wrong.
Are you supposed to leave spaces or just run the letters together?
I left spaces, but I wonder if it is going to be "processed" by a human or a machine.
Forms scare me sometimes. They're so...form-al.
I guess I am afraid I am going to make a mistake. In pen.
Other things that scare me sometimes are open spaces, high places and NASCAR races (sorry Michael but it rhymed).
Things that scare me all the time include closed spaces, examination rooms with no windows, MRI machines, any room without windows, and snakes.
filling out forms,
~ He's 52 with eyes of blue ~ ~
Happy Birthday to Homer,
Happy Birthday Airhead Fifty-fi-ive,
Happy Birthday to You!
Just wanted to sing that.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Pursuit of health can be relaxing...zzzzz
Yesterday I got a chair massage. And boy did it feel good.
I did a story about a health fair that featured everything from medical doctors and yoga instructors to insurance agents. Several massage therapists were on hand (no pun intended) to give free massages.
It felt good to kneel down on a padded contraption, close my eyes and relax as someone kneaded my tense back and neck muscles. I've had this done before (for free!) but it has been several years.
I guess that is one of my job "perks," which are few in number.
Maybe next I can find a manicurists' convention to write about and get a free manicure and pedicure while I'm at it.
I did a story about a health fair that featured everything from medical doctors and yoga instructors to insurance agents. Several massage therapists were on hand (no pun intended) to give free massages.
It felt good to kneel down on a padded contraption, close my eyes and relax as someone kneaded my tense back and neck muscles. I've had this done before (for free!) but it has been several years.
I guess that is one of my job "perks," which are few in number.
Maybe next I can find a manicurists' convention to write about and get a free manicure and pedicure while I'm at it.
Careful what you wish for
So last month and the month before I was moaning about winter weather. I was wishing for spring. Then the April morning sunshine started streaming through my window and I noticed the army of dust bunnies that had taken up residence in our dining area/kitchen.
Now I look at my yard and all I can see is yellow. I'm not referring to the lovely forsythia that has bloomed on the side, mind you, but rather those pesky dandelions.
And they are multiplying at an alarming rate.
But at least it is spring.
Guess I could make a salad out of the greens.
Anyone for some dandelion wine?
Sharing man-on-the-street fun from The Onion
Working from home...spending too much time online and on my dashboard...
Have a sparkling day, ladies and gents.
Dumber than dirt
Some people are just plain dumb, or dum, as they would probably spell it. This story is from our fair state and I'm embarrassed to say this person is a fellow Nutmegger. I guess we have our share of dummies in Connecticut- read that Nutmeg State, Lynn. ;~)
This morning Homer and I heard a news report about a guy who tried to trade in a Jeep Liberty that he had allegedly stolen last month from the same used-car dealer. The employees recognized the vehicle, and the thief, and called police. The temporary plate on the Jeep belonged to the dealership and there were still documents inside from the dealer.
The sales manager said, "I was left speechless." Can't blame him.
That thief is one d-u-m dude.
I am sure you folks in other parts of the country will be hearing about this idiot, but I thought I would give you a heads up.
This morning Homer and I heard a news report about a guy who tried to trade in a Jeep Liberty that he had allegedly stolen last month from the same used-car dealer. The employees recognized the vehicle, and the thief, and called police. The temporary plate on the Jeep belonged to the dealership and there were still documents inside from the dealer.
The sales manager said, "I was left speechless." Can't blame him.
That thief is one d-u-m dude.
I am sure you folks in other parts of the country will be hearing about this idiot, but I thought I would give you a heads up.
stolen cars,
used cars
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Gnomes 'R Us

I have a few more gnomes to share. Two of these four guys were hiding in the garage yesterday during our photo shoot but fortunately I was able to coax them outside today. They certainly do have minds of their own.
Will this picture also spark another deep philosophical discussion in blogland? I can only hope...
Gnome matter what
Monday, April 23, 2007
"Gnutty" for gnomes

In today's post I am stealing from myself, if that is possible.
A couple of years ago I wrote a column about my affection for garden gnomes. It appeared in a special section printed by the newspaper for which I work.
Unfortunately the section, which had come out once a month, then twice a month for awhile, is no longer published.
I have replaced the fun I had writing that column with blogging.
The column was all about my growing collection of gnomes. I remember writing phrases like "there's no place like gnome" and "gnomes are us." Sounds silly but it worked.
I wish I could find a copy of it now. Note to self: go through plastic boxes full of old clippings.
Anyway, here's the group shot I took today.
The collection includes three ceramic gnomes that I bought at an antique shop next to our now closed newspaper office, several resin ones from stores I frequent, one that was a gift from my mother that prompted the collection in the first place and another that is a souvenir from a bookstore in London.
Now doesn't that make me sound worldly? The one from London is the smallest of the bunch. He came with a tiny book about, well, gnomes.
I even sent away for the Travelocity Roaming Gnome. I think he's adorable and just had to have him.
The accident-prone roamer occupies a special spot in our dining room. I may have missed a couple that are hanging out elsewhere.
I will always love and be intrigued by these little guys, gnome matter what.
A gnome makes a house a home
Good news! ;~)

I have some good news to share.
Our niece and her husband were able to take their baby boy home on Saturday.
Adam Michael was born prematurely Feb. 26. He weighed just 2 lbs., 12 oz.
Now they have him at home. What a wonderful way for them to welcome spring here in Connecticut! Saturday's weather was perfect for taking a little one out in the fresh air.
Adam's grandma told me he was going to the pediatrician today for his first visit. Wonder how he likes riding in the car? I imagine it would put him to sleep...
Bringing home baby
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Me and my big mouth
Ever since I discovered in January how much fun and how much therapy blogging can offer a person I urged my husband to start writing a blog of his own.
I should have known better. Homer has a way of revealing all of our "little secrets" in casual conversation with family and friends. Why did I think he would act any differently in the blogosphere?
By secrets I mean the fact I gave him a Tony the Tiger bowl, juice glass and spoon for a Christmas present last year.
Or that one of the highlights of our August vacation on Cape Cod is playing mini-golf or having a $2 baguette from a French bakery.
I never said we were an exciting family. But we do have our traditions.
I am waiting with a bit of trepidation to see what Airhead 55 comes up with next. I hope it has nothing to do with my age, weight, or what my true dreams and aspirations are...
I should have known better. Homer has a way of revealing all of our "little secrets" in casual conversation with family and friends. Why did I think he would act any differently in the blogosphere?
By secrets I mean the fact I gave him a Tony the Tiger bowl, juice glass and spoon for a Christmas present last year.
Or that one of the highlights of our August vacation on Cape Cod is playing mini-golf or having a $2 baguette from a French bakery.
I never said we were an exciting family. But we do have our traditions.
I am waiting with a bit of trepidation to see what Airhead 55 comes up with next. I hope it has nothing to do with my age, weight, or what my true dreams and aspirations are...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Spring has sprung ~ ~ ~

A high of 75 degrees is forecast for this afternoon. Yippee!!
The birds are singing, and the forsythia in our yard is starting to bloom. I can see some yellow buds getting ready to do their thing.
Happy April 21.
Please don't laugh at my antiquated clip-art.
I am new at this high falutin' stuff.
P.S. Joan and Lynn: Yes, I said Nutmeggers again.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Off to the library
I'm dedicating this post to our recently-retired librarian friend, Joan.
I wanted her to see our beautiful library. It was built in the early 1900s, in part with a $3,400 donation from industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. It was one of 2,509 libraries his vast fortune helped establish throughout the English-speaking world, with 1,679 of them built in the United States.
OK kids, today's history lesson is over.
My husband referred to the library on his blog yesterday and I decided to show it off.
Photo credit: Kathi Gordon
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Changing places
What a relaxing vacation I've been having this week.
Well, not really.
I have been in the office (briefly) for three out of the last four days. Not because I'm indispensable, but because we are relocating and I have been going through stuff, throwing some of it out and bringing some of it home.
Actually, the company is closing our suburban bureau, which is in a storefront downtown.
There will be no more people stopping in and asking us directions to the Post Office, or City Hall, or Wal-Mart.
The UPS guy will have to find the new dog grooming palace on his own.
And I won't be seeing the regular cast of crazies walking by, some who smile and wave and some who seem to just talk to themselves and answer back.
The only somewhat good thing to come of this change is that I will be working from home.
Since I'm not full-time (read that not making much money) it would hardly be worth my while to drive many miles to the main office, or mother ship as some used to affectionately call it.
Now I will have to get into my car to go get a steaming cup of my favorite soup, pasta e fagioli, with some Italian bread for lunch. The combination of beans and pasta in a tomato-based, garlicky broth and warm bread gives me the boost I need to meet deadline each day.
Change can be good, I know. Now it's time that I embrace it.
Strange phenomenon
The strangest thing happened here about an hour ago. I cannot understand what it's all about.
The sky went from gray to blue, and the next thing I knew a yellowish, bright orb could be seen high above the landscape.
Does anyone know what you call this phenomenon? Have you ever experienced this yourself?
I am truly at a loss.
The sky went from gray to blue, and the next thing I knew a yellowish, bright orb could be seen high above the landscape.
Does anyone know what you call this phenomenon? Have you ever experienced this yourself?
I am truly at a loss.
A ray of hope
Talent envy

My friend Cindy creates a lot of art that is inspired by nature. This is an illustration of sea lavender.
I do envy her artistic talent.
I'd describe myself as a doodler.
I have dabbled in creating art in the past, but I would lose patience, a necessary component to see things through.
So instead I write. And write. And now I blog.
To see more of Cindy's work, and learn a bit about her, you can visit
How's that for promotion?
Natural science illustration
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
A painless way to share the spirit
I've been wanting to share something that I'd heard about in December that touched me enough to spur me to action.
A best-selling novella by Jason F. Wright called "Christmas Jars," which I admit I haven't read so cannot give details, focuses on the concept of giving anonymously to strangers.
After hearing about these jars this past yuletide season, I bought a small plastic canister that says "Angel Blessings" on it and put it on the kitchen counter.
I have been regularly putting spare change in it, and hope to get my children to do likewise, if they ever have any.
Next Christmas Eve I will give the jar to a needy individual or family. I have many connections in the non-profit sector in our community and will have no trouble finding a recipient.For further information, go to
It probably won't amount to much, unless our financial situation dramatically improves, but I do believe it is the thought that counts.
A best-selling novella by Jason F. Wright called "Christmas Jars," which I admit I haven't read so cannot give details, focuses on the concept of giving anonymously to strangers.
After hearing about these jars this past yuletide season, I bought a small plastic canister that says "Angel Blessings" on it and put it on the kitchen counter.
I have been regularly putting spare change in it, and hope to get my children to do likewise, if they ever have any.
Next Christmas Eve I will give the jar to a needy individual or family. I have many connections in the non-profit sector in our community and will have no trouble finding a recipient.For further information, go to
It probably won't amount to much, unless our financial situation dramatically improves, but I do believe it is the thought that counts.
Christmas jars
Keep on snackin'
Marge Simpson: "I hope you all saved room, because I made your favorite dessert. Storebought snack cakes. Both kinds!"
What a mom. My kind of mom.
The Simpsons always make me giggle.
I started thinking about snacks and was reminded of this site,
after visiting Sari over at
This morning Sari posted about her little boy actually pondering the earth-shattering question she posed to him while packing his lunch: Cheetos or Doritos?
So adorable.
So I was inspired to look at the aforementioned snack site, and found the quotes from the Simpsons regarding food.
Now I am really procrastinating.
What a mom. My kind of mom.
The Simpsons always make me giggle.
I started thinking about snacks and was reminded of this site,
after visiting Sari over at
So adorable.
So I was inspired to look at the aforementioned snack site, and found the quotes from the Simpsons regarding food.
Now I am really procrastinating.
I'm losing patience . . .
Some days it's nice to have "too much time on my hands," whatever that is. How can anyone have too much time? But I digress.
I am a morning person, I am not working this week, and I am waiting for my blogosphere friends who LIVE IN A DIFFERENT TIME ZONE to wake up already, have their coffee and start blogging.
I have a million things to do, but instead here I sit, reading blogs, commenting on several of them, and WAITING FOR PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN CALIFORNIA TO WAKE UP and start writing...
I need to be entertained today. I am avoiding housework, and errands, and bill paying. I need something to read.
Rant over.
Have a sparkling day. ;-)
I am a morning person, I am not working this week, and I am waiting for my blogosphere friends who LIVE IN A DIFFERENT TIME ZONE to wake up already, have their coffee and start blogging.
I have a million things to do, but instead here I sit, reading blogs, commenting on several of them, and WAITING FOR PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN CALIFORNIA TO WAKE UP and start writing...
I need to be entertained today. I am avoiding housework, and errands, and bill paying. I need something to read.
Rant over.
Have a sparkling day. ;-)
She has a gift

This is another example of my friend Cindy's artwork, taken from a mural she painted for a nursery school classroom at a local nature center.
Cindy is a former school teacher who is striking out on her own as an artist. She occasionally exhibits her work in Connecticut, and I am trying to figure out how to help her get noticed.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Technology gets the better of us

My husband, known in the blogosphere as Airhead 55, posted this classic photo yesterday but for some reason the comments section on his blog went bye-bye. Neither of us is technically-oriented, so we're not sure what happened.
So if you would like to comment on this snapshot from the 1950s, feel free to do it here and I will relay the message. ;-)
In an effort to get readers for Airhead, I am thoughtfully providing the link:
The smiling miniature men in hats and short pants apparently are named Phillip and Marty. That's the only information we have on the back of the photo. All I know is, it's a keeper!
the 1950s
Monday, April 16, 2007
Assistance needed in blogland
Something weird happened after my husband posted earlier today. When I read the post, I noticed it didn't say 0 comments at the end.
That also happened to me twice in a row... What's up with that?
That also happened to me twice in a row... What's up with that?
Technical difficulties
Dr. Seuss gets all the credit

Here in blogland I have been referring to my children as Kid One and Kid Two, so as not to reveal their true identities. But it's only right that I give credit where credit is due:
I got my inspiration, if you couldn't figure this out for yourselves, from the brilliant writing of Theodore Geisel, the one and only Dr. Seuss.
In "The Cat in the Hat," Geisel wrote about Thing 1 and Thing 2, and those monikers always stuck in my mind.
"The Cat in the Hat"
Sunday, April 15, 2007
What's a blogger to do?
I have been reading some blogs I just found, but not commenting on them. Does that make me a lurker?
Should I feel guilty about not commenting?
This is all about blog etiquette, as Lynn from
A Tired Mama discussed in her blog the other day.
Sometimes I can't think of a comment worthy of the blog.
Should I feel guilty about not commenting?
This is all about blog etiquette, as Lynn from
A Tired Mama discussed in her blog the other day.
Sometimes I can't think of a comment worthy of the blog.
My mistake
I realized I neglected to say in yesterday's post that the lovable Beaver Cleaver was played by Jerry Mathers.
"And Jerry Mathers,
as the Beaver."
Saturday, April 14, 2007
And of course...
Here is Theodore Cleaver, who everyone called The Beaver.
I cannot watch the reruns without getting misty-eyed.
I seem to have the same problem when I watch those wacky Ricardos and Mertzes get caught up in their madcap adventures.
Let's not forget the Andersons, and Dr. Alex Stone's nuclear family. But more about them later.
It was a simpler time, at least in television land it was. I was oblivious to things going on in the world, i.e. the Cold War, etc.
Ah, childhood.
Leave It To You-Know-Who
Friday, April 13, 2007
When TV was in black and white (for me anyway)

As I was breezing through the Internet looking for Friday the 13th stuff, I came across today's birthdays on Wikipedia. I found out that Tony Dow (a.k.a. the Beav's older brother Wally) was born on April 13, 1945.
I loved that show and occasionally see a re-run, although I don't spend too much time watching TV these days. Wikipedia says this is a 1963 photo of Tony Dow, pretty much how he looked when he portrayed Wally Cleaver, that lovable "All American" teen.
Happy Birthday, Tony!
Leave It To Beaver
It's Friday the 13th
Triskaidekaphobia - Fear of the number 13, simply put.
When I was a new reporter, my editor asked me to do a story about the fear.
I recall having fun researching and writing it, so every time it's a Friday the 13th I always remember that story,which I wrote in the late 70s (sniff).
Tempus fugit.
Warning to the superstitious: The next Friday the 13th will occur in July.
When I was a new reporter, my editor asked me to do a story about the fear.
I recall having fun researching and writing it, so every time it's a Friday the 13th I always remember that story,which I wrote in the late 70s (sniff).
Tempus fugit.
Warning to the superstitious: The next Friday the 13th will occur in July.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Cute story fell through, for now
The cute story to which I referred fell through this morning. So I switched to Plan B, a different one. Cute story rescheduled 'til Friday.
And if it truly is cute, I will blog about it. (I can just tell you are on the collective edges of your collective seats.)
If the story stinks, well never mind then.
And if it truly is cute, I will blog about it. (I can just tell you are on the collective edges of your collective seats.)
If the story stinks, well never mind then.
You can learn a lot about a man...
when you read his blog!
I'm finding that out now that my husband is in the blogosphere.
It only took about two months of me saying over and over, "You should have a blog" to get him to start.
But he took the plunge and I hope he continues.
As for me, I didn't post yesterday because I was working and when I finally got home, I was too tired.
I covered the results of a referendum. It was a paper-ballot vote, and we had to wait around for the votes to be hand-counted by four people.
Ah, well.
Off to do a cute story this morning...
I'm finding that out now that my husband is in the blogosphere.
It only took about two months of me saying over and over, "You should have a blog" to get him to start.
But he took the plunge and I hope he continues.
As for me, I didn't post yesterday because I was working and when I finally got home, I was too tired.
I covered the results of a referendum. It was a paper-ballot vote, and we had to wait around for the votes to be hand-counted by four people.
Ah, well.
Off to do a cute story this morning...
Monday, April 9, 2007
Introducing ...
My dear husband has taken my advice! He loves airplanes and cars, he's a trivia buff, a voracious reader, and his memory is still intact (unlike mine) and so I talked him into starting a blog.
So far he has posted once, earlier today.
I have been charged with publicizing said blog. So here is the link:
Us boomers just cannot stop blooming, apparently.
So far he has posted once, earlier today.
I have been charged with publicizing said blog. So here is the link:
Us boomers just cannot stop blooming, apparently.
He's progressing nicely
Our niece sends us pictures of her son Adam's progress on a weekly basis. On Friday he was able to take a bottle from the nurse for the very first time.
Adam was born Feb. 26, but he wasn't due until May 23 (see previous posts about this little guy).
preemie update
Sunday, April 8, 2007
I had a mocha-flavored cuppa joe

It's Easter Sunday and after church this morning my daughter and I celebrated with a trip to a local Starbucks.
What is important to note at this juncture is that it's the first time I ever went to a Starbucks. So Kid One snapped a picture to document the occasion (and to give me something to blog about.)
That's me with my hair blowing in the breeze.
I had a mocha coffee with caramel in it. Yum.
Kid One enjoyed her favorite menu item there, a strawberry frappucino.
The trip was successful, and someday I may return.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
~ Disco in the air ~
It's Saturday night and Kid One is home for the Easter holiday weekend. We are listening to disco. Yes, you read correctly.
It's a longtime family tradition on Saturday nights, thanks to a local FM station that does disco (to death) on Saturdays.
Anyway, it has been a staple in our house; never said we were normal.
Kid One has observed that all disco songs include either grooving or boogeying.
She may have a point.
One activity even found the four of us making a list: "The Only 10 Disco Songs: Everything Else is a Remix."
Now playing: "It's too late, to turn back now...I believe, I believe, I believe, I'm falling in love."
I will survive.
It's a longtime family tradition on Saturday nights, thanks to a local FM station that does disco (to death) on Saturdays.
Anyway, it has been a staple in our house; never said we were normal.
Kid One has observed that all disco songs include either grooving or boogeying.
She may have a point.
One activity even found the four of us making a list: "The Only 10 Disco Songs: Everything Else is a Remix."
Now playing: "It's too late, to turn back now...I believe, I believe, I believe, I'm falling in love."
I will survive.
That's my guy ~
OK, I am really spending too much time on this stuff. But I am merely trying to amuse myself, and possibly a visitor or two.
Upward and onward to more serious and pressing issues.
Blogmonster, c'est moi
I never thought of myself as a monster, and hopefully those who know me do not think of me as such, but this is fun. Try it with your own moniker.
And have a monstrously good weekend.
Anyone for a chocolate rabbit?
I just couldn't resist uploading this image, e-mailed to me by my trusty co-worker who gets all kinds of fun stuff and passes it along.
Easter fun
Friday, April 6, 2007
Friday evening ramblings

My 16-year-old son, Kid Two, had this on his Google Talk status message today:
"before his destiny was further clarified, Robin Hood spent several years stealing from the rich and giving to the porcupines."
Kid Two doesn't remember where he found it, but I like it and just wanted to share.
This photo is of the Robin Hood Memorial Statue in Nottingham,Wikipedia doth say.
I must say that getting new visitors to my blog truly makes my day, and that happened to me today. It would float my boat, if I had one.
Welcome. ;-) You know who you are.
Robin Hood
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Them joints
Two weeks ago, after consulting with my doctor during a physical, I started taking glucosamine chondroitin.
Yes, that magic stuff I've been hearing about for years.
I am waiting impatiently for its good effects to kick in.
Maybe I will start feeling less creaky.
Yes, that magic stuff I've been hearing about for years.
I am waiting impatiently for its good effects to kick in.
Maybe I will start feeling less creaky.
Them bones
Spring is here and it's my favorite season.
As our cloudy April continues, I long for, well, May. Ah, the merry month of May...
Raise your hand if you can tell I don't have anything special to blog about.
Well, on second thought, I did have a bit of a health jolt Monday when I took part in an osteoporosis screening. I was doing a story on a new mobile health resource center van thingymabob, when my nurse friend asked me if I wanted to check my bone quality.
I said sure, and promptly placed my bare right foot on this vibrating piece of ultrasound equipment. The vibration was pleasant, and the machine even got warm.
But then, voila! Bad news.
My bone quality is below normal.
The numbers didn't look good to my friend. WAAAAH! She gave me the printout and told me to call my physician.
I must do that soon.
As our cloudy April continues, I long for, well, May. Ah, the merry month of May...
Raise your hand if you can tell I don't have anything special to blog about.
Well, on second thought, I did have a bit of a health jolt Monday when I took part in an osteoporosis screening. I was doing a story on a new mobile health resource center van thingymabob, when my nurse friend asked me if I wanted to check my bone quality.
I said sure, and promptly placed my bare right foot on this vibrating piece of ultrasound equipment. The vibration was pleasant, and the machine even got warm.
But then, voila! Bad news.
My bone quality is below normal.
The numbers didn't look good to my friend. WAAAAH! She gave me the printout and told me to call my physician.
I must do that soon.
fracture risk,
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
A chuckle a day ...
Got this in an e-mail today:
An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his
help in reviving her husband's libido.
"What about trying Viagra? asks the doctor.
"Not a chance", she said. "He won't even take an aspirin."
"Not a problem," replied the doctor. "Give him an "Irish Viagra."
"It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste
it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went."
It wasn't a week later that she called the doctor, who directly
inquired as to progress.
The poor dear exclaimed, "Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!"
"Really? What happened?" asked the doctor.
"Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the
effect was almost immediate. He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his
eye, and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of his arm, he
sent the cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and
took me then and there, took me passionately on the tabletop! It was a
nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!"
"Why so terrible?" asked the doctor, "Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn't good?"
"Twas the best sex I've had in 25 years! But sure as I'm sittin'
here, I'll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again!"
An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his
help in reviving her husband's libido.
"What about trying Viagra? asks the doctor.
"Not a chance", she said. "He won't even take an aspirin."
"Not a problem," replied the doctor. "Give him an "Irish Viagra."
"It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste
it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went."
It wasn't a week later that she called the doctor, who directly
inquired as to progress.
The poor dear exclaimed, "Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!"
"Really? What happened?" asked the doctor.
"Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the
effect was almost immediate. He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his
eye, and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of his arm, he
sent the cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and
took me then and there, took me passionately on the tabletop! It was a
nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!"
"Why so terrible?" asked the doctor, "Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn't good?"
"Twas the best sex I've had in 25 years! But sure as I'm sittin'
here, I'll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again!"
Irish joke
Non-techie strikes again
So here I am playing around on my dashboard, instead of doing something I should be doing right about now.
I wanted to put a photo with my profile, but I guess I cannot. I thought I had the process down, but it just kept saying 'fetching profile photo' and I am losing patience.
So I exported my avatar, to send along Easter wishes to all...
Bunny ears,
Easter eggs
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Adam is doing well

He was born Feb. 26 and weighed just 2 pounds, 12 ounces. As of Saturday he weighed 4 pounds, 6.6 ounces. And he is nearly 17 inches long.
His dad said Adam is no longer in his isolette and he has "graduated" to something resembling a tray or cot, which apparently is what he is enjoying in this photo.
We were happy to get that good news yesterday.
Here he is modeling one of his new spring outfits. I don't know what's up with that swirly cap, but it's cute nonetheless.
Doesn't he look peaceful?
A preemie update
Monday, April 2, 2007
Keepin' it wheel
That is what my husband does on a regular basis. He has a form of Muscular Dystrophy and relies on six wheels on a power chair to get around.
His ride to work, shopping, vacations on Cape Cod and everywhere else, is a Ford Club Wagon equipped with a lift and zero-effort steering and brakes. It's so big that when we go to the supermarket or the mall the kids have always just looked for the "tan barn" out in the parking lot.
It's easy to spot.
Dealing with all the hassles that go along with being a paraplegic is a way of life we have come to know. Everything takes a little longer to accomplish, but we manage to get done what needs to be done. And hopefully it's with some style.
His ride to work, shopping, vacations on Cape Cod and everywhere else, is a Ford Club Wagon equipped with a lift and zero-effort steering and brakes. It's so big that when we go to the supermarket or the mall the kids have always just looked for the "tan barn" out in the parking lot.
It's easy to spot.
Dealing with all the hassles that go along with being a paraplegic is a way of life we have come to know. Everything takes a little longer to accomplish, but we manage to get done what needs to be done. And hopefully it's with some style.
physical challenges,
He's so knowledgeable
My husband is a voracious reader and has a lot of knowledge about a lot of subjects. I tease him sometimes and call him Mr. Know-It-All.
When I am conversing (!) with our children, I'll refer to him as "KIA" for short.
My issue du jour is that I want him to start blogging. He has many interests, from aviation and cars to cooking and music. He also loves reading about the history of state and interstate highways and byways, turnpikes, parkways and the like.
Go figure.
How do I get him to take the plunge into the blogosphere? Any suggestions?
When I am conversing (!) with our children, I'll refer to him as "KIA" for short.
My issue du jour is that I want him to start blogging. He has many interests, from aviation and cars to cooking and music. He also loves reading about the history of state and interstate highways and byways, turnpikes, parkways and the like.
Go figure.
How do I get him to take the plunge into the blogosphere? Any suggestions?
King of trivia
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Will I ever be a techie?
I doubt it.
I was just reading someone's clever and attractive-looking blog that I had never seen before, and she knew so much about changing code and what-not.
I don't think I could ever get around to teaching myself all that stuff. Seems like it would be time-consuming.
I simply enjoy playing with words, and journalizing online about daily life.
In case you were wondering..
I was just reading someone's clever and attractive-looking blog that I had never seen before, and she knew so much about changing code and what-not.
I don't think I could ever get around to teaching myself all that stuff. Seems like it would be time-consuming.
I simply enjoy playing with words, and journalizing online about daily life.
In case you were wondering..
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