My friend Cindy creates a lot of art that is inspired by nature. This is an illustration of sea lavender.
I do envy her artistic talent.
I'd describe myself as a doodler.
I have dabbled in creating art in the past, but I would lose patience, a necessary component to see things through.
So instead I write. And write. And now I blog.
To see more of Cindy's work, and learn a bit about her, you can visit http://www.artbygilbane.com.
How's that for promotion?
Again, what can I say but WOW. That is some artistic friend you have...now I have a case of artistic envy too:~)
Isn't it wonderful to have such talent?
P.S. Lynn: I knew I had just gotten a comment because my right ear was ringing; that's why I checked back so soon.
When people are about to call me or e-mail me I often get an ear-ringing sensation.
I love botanical prints like this. Whenever I go to the Getty Museum in LA, I love to look at a book they have there, full of things like this.
It's way too much to buy but I love to look at it and bought the tiny, condensed itty bitty version to keep at home.
Your friend is talented!
Ooh, and a tip: when you want to type a link, just type the word you want to call it (art, Cindy's website, etc.) and then when you click on the link button, just type the link in there. You don't have to have it on your post as the full httpwwwblalblahblah.
I just learned how to do strikeouts (where the word still shows but you can see the strikeouts over it) from my friend Dixie recently, I love to figure out how do to blog stuff.
Anyway! :-)
oops sorry again, when you want to have a link, highlight the word where you want the link to be, then click on the link button and type in your link.
whew, I think I'm done.
thanks for the tips - I am not a technical type
Patti, you are such a good friend. Thanks for the PR.
Hey, maybe we should do lunch!
sounds like a plan, Cindy
I am once again humbled by Cindy's talent!
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