As I was breezing through the Internet looking for Friday the 13th stuff, I came across today's birthdays on Wikipedia. I found out that Tony Dow (a.k.a. the Beav's older brother Wally) was born on April 13, 1945.
I loved that show and occasionally see a re-run, although I don't spend too much time watching TV these days. Wikipedia says this is a 1963 photo of Tony Dow, pretty much how he looked when he portrayed Wally Cleaver, that lovable "All American" teen.
Happy Birthday, Tony!
Someone, it may have been dear old sis, recently sent a current picture of Tony Dow, The Beav, and Eddie Haskell...boy, have they gotten old!
Yes...it was me...and please tell Lynn to STOP calling me "old."
We were probably the last people on the block to get a color TV (our B&W TV just wouldn't die) so we BOTH remember the "good old days." And have any of us looked in the mirror recently? I don't know about you but I don't see a teenager anymore looking back at me.
But... wasn't Tony good looking when he was young?
I saw that picture on the Internet too. Just don't remember where.
I agree they do look "mature" in it.
I thought I also heard on the radio either Thursday or Wednesday that the guy that played Beav's friend 'Lumpy' turned 65 this week.
Lumpy Rutherford is retirement age?
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