Having gotten those niceties out of the way, I will press on.
Ralph is currently unemployed, yet he just purchased a camera for the four of us to enjoy. EEK.
I admit it's very nice. It's a Canon. I tried it out. I like. And the old one was not working well at all any more.
Here is a photo taken this morning of our first tiger lily of the summer.

Usually they bloom in early August...
I am trying to take this unemployment status in my stride. We've been down this road before and survived.
But if it were up to me, I wouldn't have plunked down $$$ right now for a camera.
But that's just me.
sigh... boys will be boys, won't they?
smiles, bee
EB: yes they will.
You may think a like, but geez, I am certain that men are just wired completely differently than women. Really! I would never think to make a big purchase when money is tight.
But, enjoy the camera. It certainly takes a beautiful picture!
Sarah: I will enjoy it, now that we have it!
OMG...who knew Ralph and Rick were brothers?!?!!? I just think it's that "boys and their toys" gene which comes alive every so often!
Joan: men don't worry about this stuff the same way we do..
I would be worried too but I have faith that Ralph will find a job he will love soon.
Being someone who hates the interview part of job hunting, my prayers are with him.
In the meantime, enjoy your camera. I love my Canon and hope to learn how to download soon!!!
MB: thanks!
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