Sunday, July 1, 2007

Preemie puts on pounds

Here is Adam, chillin' at his grandmother's annual Fourth of July picnic on Saturday. His grandmother, Michele, Ralph's (slightly) older sister, has been throwing the Independence Day fiesta for years.

One of Ralph's younger sisters, Sharon, is holding him here.
Adam spent an enormous amount of time snoozing. When he finally opened his eyes, we were surprised at how blue they were!
I got to hold him, too. It was great fun.

Adam was born three months early, as many of you recall. But now he weighs almost 16 pounds.
And boy does he like to sleep!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

lucky duck, holding a baby? yay you!

smiles, bee

Joan said...

What a remarkable difference in only a few short months. And he is one cool dude all dressed up for the annual July 4th picnic.

Patti said...

Bee - I was a lucky duck
Joan - isn't he the cute little dude?
Lynn - that's what I said! He just keep snoozing away. But in reality he is only 5 weeks old, so I'll cut him some slack.
The next time I want to see some action out of him.

the moose buyer said...

beautiful baby and by the looks of it, a very lucky one!!!

Patti said...

MB: He has wonderful parents and is truly a lucky little guy