Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A wild Irish rose?

On Sunday I practiced with the new camera and went on a photo shoot in the backyard. Just trying to have a bit of fun.

My question is, does anyone know what kind of blossom this is?

Looks like a rose, doesn't it?


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

is it what's called a rose of sharon?

smiles, bee

Linda said...

I have no idea why I was thinking "hibiscus" as I'm sure it's not! But it's certainly very pretty!

the moose buyer said...

I am guessing a "pink" blossom. That's pretty much all I know about flowers.

It's nice though. Does it smell pretty?

the moose buyer said...

I am guessing a "pink" blossom. That's pretty much all I know about flowers.

It's nice though. Does it smell pretty?

Lynn said...

I can say with complete certainty that it is a 'flower'. There, was I helpful?

Joan said...

Brown-thumb-Joan has no idea what any flower looks like if the answer "rose" is incorrect. Can't wait to hear the answer!

Patti said...

Bee: I think you're right.

Linda: I think you're right, too.

Moosie: No, it has no scent.

Lynn: You are always helpful, on all topics.

Joan: I don't know the answer. Guess it's time for research.

Patti said...

A friend of mine (non-blogger) just e-mailed me to say me she thinks they are holly hocks.

Lynn said...

Holly hocks works for me. Of course so did a rose...

Patti said...

Lynn: I will have to do some Internet research when I am done with work..

Linda said...

A holly hock? Hmmm, I guess that could be right but for some reason I thought a holly hock was a tree. But then again, what do I know about botany??

Patti said...

Linda: It is from a tree, or tall bush. It's been here for years, that's all I know. I didn't plant it.