It's Fourth of July eve, I guess you could call it.
There were outdoor concerts in two nearby towns. I hear the towns' dueling *~ fireworks ~* display over the river.
But the four of us are not out watching them. The weather is great and maybe we should have gone to see them. But instead we're home chillin,' bloggin' and basically hangin' around.
Kid 1 is watching her new favorite TV show, "House." It's practically the only one she watches.
She does enjoy watching The Weather Channel, however. It has been a fascination of hers since she was very small. Oh, and she just reminded me how much she likes The History Channel and Discovery.
We are a very quiet family, it's fair to say.
and that is a very good thing my friend! a nice quiet family. i love that!
smiles, bee
thanks Bee. ;-)
we enjoy just hanging out at home with ourselves as well. there's nothing wrong with that - I think it definately is an advantage for kids later on.
Sari: I agree. A family that hangs together, stays together. Or something.
It sounds to me as if your family is having the perfect 4th of July eve.
Fireworks are overrated, I declare (born and raised in SW Connecticut, BTW.)
Your July 4th eve sounds like the perfect way to spend an evening with the family. And isn't that what holidays are all about?
Oh...and tell Kid 1 that I have a fascination with the Weather Channel too. I just love watching those maps in motion.
Lynn: we did, and I hope the Fourth is just as quiet!
Pawlie: well, we live near Fairfield County. And Ralph used to work there, and a friend used to live there, and we go through it on the train to that large city...
Joan: I shall tell Kid 1 when she awakens that you share her love of The Weather Channel. Ralph is a huge fan of it too.
I've had a crush on Jim Santore for years, from when he had hair...
woops! I meant to write Jim Cantore.
what a dummy I am
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