Saturday, July 14, 2007

Missing our furry gray guy

Yesterday marked a month since we said farewell, quite unexpectedly, to our Humphrey. He didn't seem sick.
Ralph and I think it was the tainted cat food recalled last spring that slowly did him in. He had his prescription dry food from the vet, but he always wanted some wet stuff as well.

Humphrey was only about 9 years old. Since he was an indoor cat, we mistakenly believed he had many good years ahead of him grooming, purring, napping and watching the birds and squirrels. And of course getting "high" on the occasional catnip treat.

I see him all the time out of the corner of my eye. I was so used to him sitting by his bowl, or the pantry, to give me a hint it was time for something.
When I sat here at the computer he would stop by to say hi, never failing to give me the ol' fluffy tail swish against my legs.

I miss you, Humphrey. We all do.


Cherie said...

I'm so sorry and sad to hear about Humphrey.


A fortunate kitty to have had attentive, loving you in his life.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh bless his little heart...

smiles and hugs, bee

Patti said...

Cherie and Bee: Thank you both.

Joan said...

Losing Humphrey equates to losing a loving member of your family. It takes a while to heal a broken heart so give yourself some time.

Patti said...

thanks for your kind words, Joan

Michael C said...

We lost our cat a few months ago and because she was black and white, certain shadows or things like that make me turn my head because I think I see her.

Patti said...

Michael: we just get so used to them down there on the floor, watching us!