Friday, July 6, 2007

Kid Two's away message today:

A group of eco-tourists took a small plane out into the deepest, darkest part of the jungle. As soon as they stepped off the plane, they heard the faint yet forboding sounds of drums off in the distance.
One of the tourists asked the tour guide "what do those drums mean? It sounds kind of scary."

The tour guide let out a big laugh and said "Don't worry, mon. As long as de drums keep playing, every-ting will be fine."

The next day, as the group was camping out in the jungle, the drums were growing louder and more intense. Now several members of the tour group were getting really scared and worried. They asked the tour guide again about the drums. "Like I said yesterday, der is nuttin' to be afraid of, mon. As long as de drums keep playing, every-ting will be just fine".

This went on for several more days, and the drums just kept going and going, getting more and more frenzied.

About the fifth day, suddenly the drums stopped. Everyone in the tour group was horrified. "Oh my God" they said, "what should we do? Does this mean we are in immediate danger?"

The tour guide had a dark look of fear written all over his face. He took a deep breath and said "This is very, very, very bad. I tell you before, as long as de drums keep playing, every-ting is fine. Now they have stopped. This is de terrible omen for all of us".

The tourists said "why, why....please, tell us why, sir."

The tour guide said "when de drums stop it is very, very bad because..... NEXT COMES BASS SOLO!"


Joan said...

Now that's one I've never heard. Hah hah hah!!!

Lynn said...

Groan...(I might be groaning, but I like it...and you can be sure that I will be retelling it soon!)

the moose buyer said...

I loved it!!!

Patti said...

glad you all liked it ~ I'm busy working today
have a good weekend