Saturday, July 21, 2007

The plot thickens

Kid 2 was at the library again today for the murder mystery movie they're filming. He's behind the camera. I saw a few scenes on the computer, as they were reviewing their work.

The fictional victim is the children's librarian. Poor Kathi.
In an interesting twist, I just learned the murder weapon of choice is none other than today's release: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

How's that for timely?


Pawlie Kokonuts said...

Wordsworth: "We murder to dissect." (Don't ask me what that means; just wanted to combine murder and literature.)

Patti said...

P.K.: I like it. I like it.

Lynn said...

If they threw the book at the librarian...I could certainly see it being used as a murder weapon. Is that what they did?

Patti said...

More like a clunk on the head.