Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Give me a ring when you get a chance

Yesterday for the most part I used the computer for what I absolutely had to do for work. I wrote a story about a new homeless shelter. Kid 1 took a photo of it Sunday and I sent it in with my story. At least our new camera is coming in handy. As you can probably tell, I work for free. Well, it seems like it. I work for bylines, I guess.

Yesterday I literally had a pain in the neck and it hurt to sit here.
So I rested my neck and it felt better this morning. Until, that is, I sat down here a while ago and started using the computer.
Not happy.

But never fear. I'm still here.
Waiting for people to return my calls.

The big news (at least the positive news) is that our fair city is getting a Target downtown and it's officially opening this afternoon. I'm not covering it for the paper. But I did cover the opening of a bedding store last week across the way from Target. It's an exciting life, believe me.

C'mon phone, ring.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

people all over the world love target. i don't understand why. i can never find anything there, and it makes me mad every time i think, allright i'll try it again, i go again, and find nothing. but it must just be me. i love walmart though!

smiles, bee

Patti said...

to each her own, I guess. I've only shopped at one a few times.

Lynn said...

I love Target (affectionately know as "Tar jay"). We have loads of them around where I live...and I have been to everyone of them. (o.k. so I lead a pathetic life).

Linda said...

Hi Patti -

Thank you for stopping by my blog and I'm very happy to hear that Ralph liked his award. I truly admire people who overcome disabilities like he does and don't use it as an excuse to not live life to its fullest. It's easy to fall into the trap of "why me?" but I don't see that happening with your husband at all.

I would hope that if I were ever to face the situations that he does that I would have the same courage to still face life head-on, too.

Patti said...

Lynn: We call them Tar jay as well. French, ya know. I've been to 2 in nearby towns, but this is "our" own.

Linda: You have a great blog. Where do you find the time to write so much?
If you knew Ralph you would barely notice the wheelchair (he likes to talk).

Joan said...

I just love the Bulls-eye store! The one closest to me (1 mile away) has been torn down and is currently being rebuilt into a really big fancy one. I can't wait for it to re-open sometime this fall.

Patti said...

Joan: I'll let you know how we like it.