Friday, March 30, 2007

If I only had a maid...

Yep, that's me. Like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz wishing he had a brain, I wish I had a maid.
Spring cleaning time is here. Yay !! (?????)
Well it would be a good idea around this place.
My dust bunnies are getting so big I could give them all names and treat them as pets that I don't have to feed.
Pretty soon the fluffy blobs will be big enough for my cat to play with. Which would be fitting, because they consist of a lot of the fur he sheds all over the place.

The morning sun is streaming brightly through the windows, and it makes all the dusty stuff even easier to see. That's why I sat down to write this as fast as I could type. To make myself feel better and hopefully make someone smile. :-)

Happy Friday all!


Lynn said...

Have you heard the old adage "Be careful what you wish for"? Well, you wished for Spring. Now you have "sun streaming brightly through the windows"... If it was still Winter and dark and gloomy, you wouldn't see the dust bunnies, and then, you wouldn't have to clean...right?

Patti said...

'Tis true, 'tis true

I should just be thankful for a beautiful day.

Joan said...

Ah dust bunnies...another hint that spring is here. So...that's why they call it spring cleaning...I get it now!