Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The family that eats together...

...washes dishes together. No, that's not how it goes, is it?

A few years ago I got an idea (insert light bulb here) to mix up the routine a little at dinner time.
But for one reason or another we haven't done it yet.
The idea is to have each person in the family move over one seat to the left, so that everyone has a different perspective on the meal.
Our table is oblong, and I thought the four of us would have fun doing this. After a week, we could all move over one place again...

Simple things amuse simple minds, I guess. Whatcha think?


Joan said...

I'll be very surprised if your family agrees to such a radical concept. There seems to be something comforting about always taking the same seat in a room. At our 3-day meeting recently, everyone always sat in exactly the same seat every day even though seats were never assigned. Are we creatures of habit or what?!?!?!

Patti said...

Definitely creatures of habit...

Lynn said...

I think that the family might all get indigestion from the stress of sitting in the "wrong" seat. Think of the logistical problems. If there are 4 chairs around your oblong table then after 4 days you will be back where you "belong". If you moved counter-clockwise for the first four days, then do you need to repeat the exercise for four days going clockwise? This might help everyone "unwind"...(hey it's been a looooong day) ;~)

Patti said...

Lynn, you have a much more analytical brain than I!

allegra said...

i say we do it! i would like to, anyway.

Patti said...

Allegra! You are up awfully early for a college student.
Love ya