I just got a note with a self-addressed, stamped envelope and four index cards from our niece Amy. She is asking her family and friends to send her their favorite recipes. I haven't come up with one yet.
Thinking, thinking...
Ralph will send along his famous chili recipe. My mother is willing to divulge a secret ingredient for the deviled eggs she used to make, so I can send Amy that...
Anyone have any ideas for a recipe that I can add to her collection?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Looking at the Sky

The steeple is atop a beautiful Russian Orthodox Church a block away. Too bad about all the wires, but it is what it is.

For more sky-looking pix, visit Tisha at CrAzY Working Mom.
Looking at the Sky,
photo memes
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Helpful cooking hint #5
I thought up another one. Woo hoo!
As some regular readers may know we have been drinking instant coffee for a few weeks, until we decide what kind of coffee maker to purchase.
This morning it dawned on me to put a pinch of cinnamon into the cup on top of the instant coffee, to try to boost the flavor. It didn't taste bad at all. Just don't put too much. Just a smidge, a dash, a snitch, of cinnamon will do.
I'll try not to go two more weeks before coming up with another hint.
As some regular readers may know we have been drinking instant coffee for a few weeks, until we decide what kind of coffee maker to purchase.
This morning it dawned on me to put a pinch of cinnamon into the cup on top of the instant coffee, to try to boost the flavor. It didn't taste bad at all. Just don't put too much. Just a smidge, a dash, a snitch, of cinnamon will do.
I'll try not to go two more weeks before coming up with another hint.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ruby Tuesday

I took these frog friends outside for a photo shoot, because a late Ruby Tuesday post is better than no Ruby Tuesday post at all!
To see more photos with a little or a lot of red visit our hostess, Mary T, at Work of the Poet.

color red,
Ruby red,
Ruby Tuesday
Friday, July 24, 2009
The three Cs
They would be Coffeemaker, Car tire and Computer, of course!
The danged things have all died on me in the last two weeks.
Last night it was the computer. Yep, we need a new one after more than seven years' service.
Luckily we have a computer kid here and he hooked my keyboard and monitor up to an extra one he brought home from college. So I still can write stories, blog, and go on Facebook!
Life is still good.
If bad luck comes in threes, I hope that's true for good luck as well, because I'm ready for some. Not asking for a lot, just a little bit o' luck.
Happy Friday ~
The danged things have all died on me in the last two weeks.
Last night it was the computer. Yep, we need a new one after more than seven years' service.
Luckily we have a computer kid here and he hooked my keyboard and monitor up to an extra one he brought home from college. So I still can write stories, blog, and go on Facebook!
Life is still good.
If bad luck comes in threes, I hope that's true for good luck as well, because I'm ready for some. Not asking for a lot, just a little bit o' luck.
Happy Friday ~
petty stuff
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sepia Scenes ~ cherubic

This little cherub greets me when I walk out the front door of our humble abode, and I thought he/she might look good in sepia. I like the shadows from the morning sun. Our house faces East, can you tell?

To see more sepia-fied photos or to join in the fun, visit our meme hostess, Mary T, at Sepia Scenes.
photo fun,
photo memes,
sepia scenes
Looking for that perfect cuppa joe
I need your opinion.
For you regular readers, all two of you, you may remember our electric coffee maker recently bit the dust after only seven months of use. We've been drinking instant coffee, and occasionally buying one at Dunkin' or Mickey D's or the bakery downtown.
Now the question is: do we get another automatic coffeemaker that will last less than a year, or get a manual brew, non-electric one like this:
What do you think?
For you regular readers, all two of you, you may remember our electric coffee maker recently bit the dust after only seven months of use. We've been drinking instant coffee, and occasionally buying one at Dunkin' or Mickey D's or the bakery downtown.
Now the question is: do we get another automatic coffeemaker that will last less than a year, or get a manual brew, non-electric one like this:

Monday, July 20, 2009
Ruby Tuesday ~ motoring along
Ralph (aka Airhead 55 - who is also a gearhead) and daughter Allegra and I went to a classic car show Sunday, so I have several offerings for Ruby Tuesday this week:

The vintage vehicle display was on the grounds of the Shelton (Ct.) History Center, where this renovated red barn houses a museum with items and information that cover three centuries of the city's history.
This rickshaw-styled conveyance below was used as an ambulance after the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. At least that is what it says on the piece of paper you see sitting on it. I thought it was pretty cool looking.
Here we have a police car from 1957.
It's a Chevy!

For more car show pics, visit the gearhead, Ralph, at Airhead 55.
For more Ruby Tuesday fun, visit Mary T at Work of the Poet.

The vintage vehicle display was on the grounds of the Shelton (Ct.) History Center, where this renovated red barn houses a museum with items and information that cover three centuries of the city's history.

For more Ruby Tuesday fun, visit Mary T at Work of the Poet.
antique cars,
color red,
Ruby red,
Ruby Tuesday
Reflections on a Sunday afternoon
We went to a classic car show yesterday that was a fund-raiser for the Shelton (Ct.) Historical Society.
The annual event was supposed to be held on Father's Day, but was postponed because of rain. Fortunately yesterday was bright and sunny, and a lot of people turned out to view vintage vehicles.
We took a bunch of photos, and Ralph will be posting some of them soon. I also have a couple that are perfect candidates for Ruby Tuesday posts.

I like this photo I snapped featuring a reflection of Ralph and Allegra looking at a 1948 Jaguar.
That's it from here. Have a great Monday ~
The annual event was supposed to be held on Father's Day, but was postponed because of rain. Fortunately yesterday was bright and sunny, and a lot of people turned out to view vintage vehicles.
We took a bunch of photos, and Ralph will be posting some of them soon. I also have a couple that are perfect candidates for Ruby Tuesday posts.

I like this photo I snapped featuring a reflection of Ralph and Allegra looking at a 1948 Jaguar.
That's it from here. Have a great Monday ~
antique cars,
local history,
vintage vehicles
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Comfort food ~

<-- This photo is from the Betty Crocker kitchens.
How did I do?
Go away, WAFs!
WAFs =>Worries, Anxieties, and Fears, are the things that hold many of us back from reaching our full potential, according to a speaker I heard last week.
On Thursday I attended a business event that featured motivational speaker Joy Baldridge. She was so lively and upbeat I got tired watching her. Well, not quite, but she made me feel like I have no energy!
I wrote about her talk for the paper and it was published today. Here's the link.
Now tell those WAFs to take a hike. (If only I could follow my own advice.)
On Thursday I attended a business event that featured motivational speaker Joy Baldridge. She was so lively and upbeat I got tired watching her. Well, not quite, but she made me feel like I have no energy!
I wrote about her talk for the paper and it was published today. Here's the link.
Now tell those WAFs to take a hike. (If only I could follow my own advice.)
energy and lack thereof,
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Memoir about abusive relationship sends chills
Ralph and I went to a book signing Sunday at a small bookstore where we met a woman who wrote a memoir about the life she led with her abusive first husband.
Leslie Morgan Steiner of Washington, D.C. read several compelling passages from "Crazy Love" to a small group gathered at the store on a summer afternoon.
Here's the link to a story I wrote about her appearance.
Leslie Morgan Steiner of Washington, D.C. read several compelling passages from "Crazy Love" to a small group gathered at the store on a summer afternoon.
Here's the link to a story I wrote about her appearance.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Looking at the Sky ~ from a few years ago

To see more sky photos, visit our hostess, Tisha, at CrAzY Working Mom. Thanks, Tisha!
Looking at the Sky,
photo fun,
photo memes
Scaredy cats

Please come back in the house Mommy! You've been out there taking pictures of the tiger lilies for two whole minutes. We're scared in here!
(*Photo blurry because they're on the other side of a screen door)
feine fun,
indoor cats,
photo fun
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Helpful cooking hint #4
When frying something, and you don't have a special doohicky to block the grease from splattering all over the stove top, cover the remaining burners with pot lids.
Doing that will help to keep some of the grease off the other burners.
Woo hoo! I came up with another hint. Hope it's helpful.
Doing that will help to keep some of the grease off the other burners.
Woo hoo! I came up with another hint. Hope it's helpful.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I toad you so
OK, the title of this post doesn't really make any sense, but it is the first thing that popped into my mind.
We were wondering why Linus was batting at his reflection in the slider and staring outside this morning.

This is why.
We never see toads on the patio. You can see him by the mat in the top picture, if you look closely.
At least it provided Linus with some amusement this morning. His brother, Rigby, missed the whole episode.
We were wondering why Linus was batting at his reflection in the slider and staring outside this morning.

This is why.

At least it provided Linus with some amusement this morning. His brother, Rigby, missed the whole episode.
feline fun,
indoor cats,
photo fun
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Bloomin' yucca

I took this in the morning sun today. I like the photo and the shadows on the railing.
summer flowers
Look what I won

A local actress portrayed the life of Amelia Earhart at the fund-raising event, and I wrote a story for the paper that you can read here.
P.S. One thing I never understood: why would a company call a line of luggage "Amelia Earhart" luggage? Wouldn't that name jinx the travels of the owner of the suitcases?
Just wondrin'
Amelia Earhart,
Monday, July 13, 2009
Ruby Tuesday

It's one of many tomato plants Ralph's buddy Michael planted in containers for us. We're really fortunate to have a friend like him! He planted several varieties of tomatoes and peppers and some herbs.
He also planted strawberries (I think some visiting critters have eaten all of them) and pumpkins in the backyard.

color red,
photo memes,
Ruby Tuesday,
Monday morning thoughts

Knuckleheads, as Ralph lovingly calls the Brothers Furr.
And below are some early tiger lilies that bloomed by the patio. Yay perennials! No muss, no fuss.

feline photos,
indoor cats,
photo fun
Saturday, July 11, 2009
With a little help from my friends ...
I made the Amish Friendship Bread.
We decided that even though we were a day late in baking (today is Day 11 when you are supposed to do it on Day 10) we would give it a whirl.
Wowser the bread is rich. It takes like coffee cake to us. It's delicious.
We decided that even though we were a day late in baking (today is Day 11 when you are supposed to do it on Day 10) we would give it a whirl.
Wowser the bread is rich. It takes like coffee cake to us. It's delicious.
What's cooking? Not much.
I can't seem to focus sometimes. If I doth not write things/events on the calendar, I doth forget.
I had completely forgotten about the fact we were invited to a get-together last night. I had been planning to bake a loaf of the Amish Friendship Bread after I was done with work and dinner and stuff.
Friday was Day 10, also known as "baking day." Now it's Day 11, so it must be too late. I think I shall have to throw out the starter batter. Notice how I don't seem too upset about this?
Safe to say this baking project was doomed from the start!
On the bright side, at least I was able to get several blog posts out of it. And we had a wonderful time at the party. Too much food, but a lot of laughs.
I had completely forgotten about the fact we were invited to a get-together last night. I had been planning to bake a loaf of the Amish Friendship Bread after I was done with work and dinner and stuff.
Friday was Day 10, also known as "baking day." Now it's Day 11, so it must be too late. I think I shall have to throw out the starter batter. Notice how I don't seem too upset about this?
Safe to say this baking project was doomed from the start!
On the bright side, at least I was able to get several blog posts out of it. And we had a wonderful time at the party. Too much food, but a lot of laughs.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Looking at the Sky ~ from passenger window

The fireworks display was cancelled, the rain was on and off all day, but we did see a pretty sunset on the ride home.

Looking at the Sky,
photo fun,
photo memes,
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Update of Monday's post about friendship bread
It seems I have no friends. :- (
At least none to whom I can pass along an Amish Friendship Bread starter. This is sad.
Tomorrow, which is baking day according to the instructions, my daughter is going to help me skip over a bunch of steps in the recipe and figure out how to use enough starter to make two breads...That means half of this mixture we've been mushing will be thrown out.
What else can I do? Hand a plastic bag of it to someone I meet in the grocery store and tell them to mush it?
I hate to waste, but I'm stumped here.
At least none to whom I can pass along an Amish Friendship Bread starter. This is sad.
Tomorrow, which is baking day according to the instructions, my daughter is going to help me skip over a bunch of steps in the recipe and figure out how to use enough starter to make two breads...That means half of this mixture we've been mushing will be thrown out.
What else can I do? Hand a plastic bag of it to someone I meet in the grocery store and tell them to mush it?
I hate to waste, but I'm stumped here.
It's the little things...
that can make you crazy.Or crazier, as the case may be.
Yesterday our less than a year-old coffeemaker conked out. Boo hiss!
Today I stopped at the grocery store to buy some * instant coffee * after dropping daughter off for work. I've been brewing coffee in the morning for myself and Ralph for many years, but I thought I'd try instant again. An emergency beverage, because tea just doesn't get me going in the morning.
Walked into supermarket and saw big display of blueberries, which I am addicted to. Buy one, get two free. Yahoo! Then I dropped one of the packages when someone said something to me..half of the container of blueberries goes rolling across the floor.
The produce manager comes running over and says "don't worry about it," but also says they are the "worst thing to drop"...so hard to pick up so many.
I felt like a jerk. Well I apologized and helped him pick them up.
So I get the instant coffee, come home, put water on to boil ... and cannot for the life of me open the jar. That lid is glued on there I think. Go back out, head to again, this time to Mickey D's and get a Newman's Own organics medium coffee, cream no sugar.
It tastes good, but I went through a lot of aggravation to get it, don't you think? I hope the rest of the day improves. Yikes. As for the coffee jar, I'll ask my strong son to open it when he gets up. I'm sure he will come to mama's rescue.
Little unimportant stuff going wrong is no big deal, 'tis true, but I thought I'd write about it anyway.
The End.
* Update: Cameron read my post and opened the jar when I wasn't home. What a kid!
Yesterday our less than a year-old coffeemaker conked out. Boo hiss!
Today I stopped at the grocery store to buy some * instant coffee * after dropping daughter off for work. I've been brewing coffee in the morning for myself and Ralph for many years, but I thought I'd try instant again. An emergency beverage, because tea just doesn't get me going in the morning.
Walked into supermarket and saw big display of blueberries, which I am addicted to. Buy one, get two free. Yahoo! Then I dropped one of the packages when someone said something to me..half of the container of blueberries goes rolling across the floor.
The produce manager comes running over and says "don't worry about it," but also says they are the "worst thing to drop"...so hard to pick up so many.
I felt like a jerk. Well I apologized and helped him pick them up.
So I get the instant coffee, come home, put water on to boil ... and cannot for the life of me open the jar. That lid is glued on there I think. Go back out, head to again, this time to Mickey D's and get a Newman's Own organics medium coffee, cream no sugar.
It tastes good, but I went through a lot of aggravation to get it, don't you think? I hope the rest of the day improves. Yikes. As for the coffee jar, I'll ask my strong son to open it when he gets up. I'm sure he will come to mama's rescue.
Little unimportant stuff going wrong is no big deal, 'tis true, but I thought I'd write about it anyway.
The End.
* Update: Cameron read my post and opened the jar when I wasn't home. What a kid!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sepia scenes

I photographed this stone church in Rockville, Ct. last August. I had never been there before and was quite impressed with the dramatic exterior. We were there for our niece's daughter's christening.
I think it looks pretty good in sepia.

photo fun,
photo memes,
sepia scenes
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Ruby Tuesday

There is a bit of red in the photo, so I thought I could sneak it in for RT. Cameron has red in his swim trunks, and there is red brick surrounding the pool. I'm cheating a bit, I suppose.
To see more photos that contain a little or a lot of red, visit Mary T, The Teach, at Work of the Poet.

color red,
old photographs,
Ruby Tuesday
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