Thursday, July 16, 2009

Helpful cooking hint #4

When frying something, and you don't have a special doohicky to block the grease from splattering all over the stove top, cover the remaining burners with pot lids.
Doing that will help to keep some of the grease off the other burners.
Woo hoo! I came up with another hint. Hope it's helpful.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well that is VERY helpful! i have a flat top stove so it won't help me much but i can see where it would really help with regular burners. good one!

smiles, bee

Patti said...

Bee: Glad you liked it!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Decent hint there Patti...better to buy a splatter screen though!

Patti said...

Vinny: It's for those of us low on cash.. ;-)