Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

I went back into the photo archives from the summer of 2001 when we went on a family vacation to Cape Cod. Where have the years gone? Our kids are so big now.

There is a bit of red in the photo, so I thought I could sneak it in for RT. Cameron has red in his swim trunks, and there is red brick surrounding the pool. I'm cheating a bit, I suppose.

To see more photos that contain a little or a lot of red, visit Mary T, The Teach, at Work of the Poet.


Susan Cook said...

Cool shot. Lots of red for RT! Great action in the pic. Thanks for sharing.

Jim said...

Hi Patti, you did good. Don't those kids grow fast!! Or if we have slowed down then it only seems fast. (My picture was about 70 years old.)
You didn't cheat any worse than I did last week for 'MidWeek Blues' on my other blog. Mrs. Jim said "there isn't any blue here." And there isn't.
But I quoted an Elvis blue song.

annies home said...

great picture cool way of squeezing the red in

Dianne said...

I could not get it together for RT again this week but today was a big day

thank you for coming back to look at Hope's photo - that was such a nice thing to say

and yes!! the time flys by - I can't believe I'm holding my baby's baby :)

Ingrid said...

I liked Cape Cod very much, we have been there in the 90th just to visit at that time choose every two years a part of America to discover. That year was from New York to the Niagara Falls and then to Madison Wisc. where my aunt lived. I always remember the "lazy lobster" we had there !
BTW I have a post about Venice here : http://gattinatravels.blogspot.com/

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Little bit of red makes it happen...

EG CameraGirl said...

Truly it IS amazing how fast the time goes. Good thing we have photos to confirm the memories. ;-)