It's one of many tomato plants Ralph's buddy Michael planted in containers for us. We're really fortunate to have a friend like him! He planted several varieties of tomatoes and peppers and some herbs.
He also planted strawberries (I think some visiting critters have eaten all of them) and pumpkins in the backyard.

Oh, you have a tomato already! Ours are still green.
Our strawberries weren't eaten by critters, but our resident groundhog did eat my marigolds, nasturtium, dill, cone flowers, and some other perennial that I was hoping to identify but may not survive with its flowers chomped off. I just installed a solar pest repeller. It creates a whir noise every few minutes. Will it work?
Michael is a great friend to have!
I'm jealous! I don't have any yet. :)
I've seen Ralph's post too - give that man a hug. ;)
Great shot!
Oh the promise held in that first red one.....
I've just been in heaven over my tomatoes Patti. I put two in containers and they are producing like mad. I never liked tomatoes until I started growing them myself. Pure heaven. The one you have pictured here is a real beauty and I bet tastes warm and sweet and juicy.
Being in a tropical island, these tomatoes grow well all year round but of course I don't plant any. Just get them from the market nearby.
Yummy...looks like it will be a good one. I love "home grown" tomatoes. Hope you have a big harvest!
That looks good enough to almost make me wish I liked tomatoes. Almost.
it's a sweet one!
pretty red tomato. I love eating those raw. yummy! My RT entry is up too.
That Ralph has good buddies doesn't he! I would love to join you guys for tomatoes. I like them warm off the vine or sliced with salt on a plate. In that order.
He has a picture of him and you today that I peeked at. You are a good looking couple.
I forgot to ask, but I am sure there were potato chip snacks for the visitors to nibble on as you did the tour. Come to Texas to do our Blue Bell tour, they give you ice cream (but charge for the tour).
Happy RT. I've been busy lately so will appologize for not checking in here more often.
Part of it is the OSI for this week. I feel I should read all of the 43 who have responded this week since I suggested the prompt.
Thanks for yours, it is up now. You have me concerned. I will pray. If I come eat tomatoes with you I will chat. Since I likely won't get there, I hope it is a good decission and that you have good and better choices to make.
Yum, every year I see tomatoes in someones garden, and every year I think....hmmm I should grow some. LOL maybe one day I will ;)
RED tomato...yummers
How WONDERFUL! I love home-grown tomatoes ;--)
Mine's at HappilyRetiredGal.
Hugs and blessings,
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