This column was published almost 16 years ago in the now-defunct paper for which I worked. Writing a column about daily life for several years was a fun part of the job.
And this one has
babies in it. What could be better?
Cinderella ain't what she used to be
Did you know Cinderella had a baby? You didn't?
Just come to our house and you'll discover that we're writing the sequel to the classic fairy tale.
Our daughter, Allegra, who will soon turn 3, has a vivid imagination. Although she doesn't know too many fairy tales yet - Winnie the Pooh and Disney Babies are more popular at our house - those she does know she knows by heart.
And day by day in every way, she is living them.
If, for example, you ask her what her name is, she will reply: "Snow White."
My moniker, according to her, is "Cinderella." My husband's new name - you guessed it - is Prince. And, best of all, her 1-year old little brother, Cameron, is "Cinderella's Baby."
I love it. I couldn't have thought up this new family group if I tried.
But it does get confusing. A few times I made the mistake of calling her Cinderella. She let me know I was wrong. "I'm Snow White," she said indignantly.
There's more.
Her room is actually Snow White's Castle and she calls our bedroom Cinderella's Castle.
Cameron's bedroom is - what else? Cinderella's Baby's Castle.
Outside our house you'll find yet another dramatization: we have one-medium-sized tree in the front yard and it too is Snow White's Castle - outside edition.
Just ask Allegra.
When I get home from work, she comes running over to give me a hug, yelling, "Cinderella! Cinderella! You're home!"
And when her father pulls the car into the driveway a few hours later, she screeches: "Cinderella! It's Prince! He's home!"
You simply haven't lived until you've lived under the same roof with royalty - especially when you are part and parcel of the Royal Family.
What's next? My husband is the Wizard of Oz, I'm the Scarecrow, Allegra is Dorothy and Cameron is a munchkin?
Why not? We live on (
insert our town's name) Hilltop, which is so wonderfully quiet and idyllic it could almost pass for Oz.
Or what about Allegra as Alice in Wonderland, with me and my husband playing Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and her baby brother as the White Rabbit?
It's a possibility.
I know; since I seem to be tired all the time, I think I'll put in for a new name - Sleeping Beauty. Ah, what a luxury a nice, long rest would be.
But I don't think my supercharged daughter would approve. The only time she seems to want all-out, total communication is when I'm sound, sound asleep - which, with my present schedule is once every two weeks or so. Sleeping Beauty, I'm afraid, would not be an appropriate role because in my house, she would rarely sleep at all.
How about the Wicked Witch of the West? Now there's a role I could really get into.