Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More riddles ~ I looked them up so you don't have to

What do you call a friendly dead Egyptian?
A chummy mummy

What is it like to be kissed by a vampire?
It's a pain in the neck

What did the ghost buy for his haunted house?
Home-moaners insurance

What was the witch's favorite subject?

What instrument do skeletons play?


Joan said...

These may be groaners but they sure do put a smile on my face.

Christy said...

The pure simpleness of these jokes are making me laugh/smirk. =o)

Patti said...

Joan: groaning with you

Christy: laughing with you

Lynn said...

What a great treat to read these groaners before work. Thanks, I'll have to try them out on my students.

Odat said...

Silly, silly, silly.... and cute!

Patti said...

Lynn: a treat; no trick

Odat: yes, they are silly

the moose buyer said...

pretty good ones.

Patti said...

Moosie: thanx

Michele said...

Ok, these were cute and I always get customers with kids who go "wanna hear a joke" and now I have some ammunition to throw back at 'em! Thanks!

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