I have some interesting stuff on "our" desk. Ralph has some too, but most of the fun stuff belongs to yours truly.

I have kitty cats. I posed them here by the phone.

It can be squeezed and used as a STRESS reliever, if need be.
That's the report from our little space in the universe.
What do you have on your desk?
I've been in this new office since January and I do not have anything fun on my desk. But I do have great posters on the walls including a piece of art by Strangeling, an Emily Strange poster and quite a few pictures of Tinkerbell. =o)
Let's see...I have papers scattered everywhere, 3 music CDs, 3 golfballs, a dictionary, a thesaurus, an empty heart-shaped vase, a cordless phone and a remote control locator (don't ask) all defying the laws of physics on my much too small desk.
I have so much 'stuff' on my desk, that I am not really sure that there is a desk under it. It may just be a huge pile of stuff. I will try to find time this weekend to find out...and I'll get back to you on this one. At work, all I can say is desk...what desk...I'm lucky if I can find a quiet room with chairs to work in.
I have purchase order stuff (well I am a buyer after all). A ton of filing to do (I absolutely hate filing), a little stuffed Canadian Mountie moose sitting on top of my screen and my very favorite toy in the whole world - my etch a sketch beside my phone. It's what I do while I am on hold on the phone.
I have crystals on mine!
I know my desk is under here somewhere....
Because I use a laptop, I don't have a desk per say. Right now I'm at the dining room table which is covered with Amanda's assorted art stuff but usually I'm sitting on the couch with my laptop balanced on my lap! I guess that's why they call it a laptop, isn't it?? Truth be told, it can get hot, though ... they don't tell ya that! Still - that may come in handy in the winter and save on heating costs!!
Lots of papers! And my flowers...
a little stain glass reading lamp...and lots of papers...
baskets with stuff...did I mention lots of papers!
Thanks to all for playing along ~ I didn't expect so many responses!
Now go clear off those desks.
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