One is that I can't stop saying "Woopsie Doodley Do" when something goes awry.
For this problem I am blaming Ned Flanders (the Simpsons' next-door neighbor for you non-viewers). He is extremely clean-cut, doesn't swear and is always saying dorky things. On Sunday night's episode he said "Okilly-dokilly."
I'm all for making up words, but I'm starting to annoy myself.
#2 Am I the only person who consistently gets bitten by fleas when I go to discount stores? If this isn't annoying I don't know what is. I get bites on my ankles and around my waist. They just jump off the merchandise and head for my skin. Fortunately it doesn't happen in the supermarket I patronize.
Ralph doesn't have this problem. Neither do our children. My skin must be sweet...
All for now. Stop by again soon.
LOL @ Woopsy Doodle do...
And no, I've not gotten bit by fleas.....
Except once when my first dog had them. ;-)
Let's get this straight: it's Woopsie Doodley Do.
My saying is "Geeze Louise". I have no idea where I picked it up but I do say it a lot.
No flea problem. I guess the 99 cent store here doesn't have them.
Geeze, Moosize, no fleaze??
Well, Golly gee whittikers! I'm trying to figure out how you get flea bites on your waist? If you tucked your shirts in, I'm thinking then it wouldn't be a problem...just sayin'.
As far as the bites around you ankles...clearly you are so sweet, even the fleas know it. (Mosquitoes are the bane of my existence.)
Lynn: It's hard to tuck shirts in these days.
I'm not even going to tell you what seems to come out of my mouth most times! Working in a dispatch center is not good for one's vocabulary! Woopsie Doodley Do!
Yes I believe you must be sweet nectar for the fleas. I don't know about Woopsie Doodley Do but I used to say Woopsie Daisy a lot.
Glad I got over it.
Linda: gosh darn it!
Mimi: I like daisies
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