Monday, August 27, 2007

One more quiz, just because

It's Back to School season and in honor of that much-anticipated time of year, I took another quiz.
This one was pretty accurate. I do like pink and I do love shrimp.
Give it a try...

You're a Flamingo!

Pink is your favorite color! Always looking to shock others, you
are absurdly thin and absurdly outlandish in your tastes. People come from all
over to see you, but as long as you've got a swimming pool, you're pretty
satisfied wherever you end up. And boy, do you love shrimp! When you really get
going, you can sound like Forrest Gump talking about shrimp...

Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.


Lynn said...

I was a horse. It said I "have quite a reputation for hard work and a certain unbridled spirit." I guess those are both true. Can we still be sisters?...even though I don't like shrimp...I do like pink:~)

Patti said...

Yes, we can...even if you don't like shrimp.

Joan said...

Geez thanks...I was a sowbug. Now I can't get that image out of my mind. Ugh!!!!

Patti said...

what's a sowbug?

Odat said...

Here I is: LMAO

You're an Alligator!
While you really love it when others ask you to "open wide", it would really be in their best interest not to make that request. A fan of sports energy drinks, you like to take it easy on the sidelines, waiting for the right moment to jump into the action. Expensive purses make you quite nervous. See you later!

That was fun!! I love these quizzes

the moose buyer said...

I am a jellyfish. Dont' know if that's good or bad but I do love to swim.

Patti, I think a sowbug one of those grey rolly poly bugs.

Linda said...

I am an entire singing group - good Lord!

Patti said...

Odat, Moosie, Linda: glad you all took part. This is fun.
Y'all come back now.