That's me taking a photo of a plastic patio chair last July. I posted these photos at the time, but not for a meme!

I can't wait to see the tiger lilies in bloom again in our backyard. This weekend we change the clocks and spring forward, so that's a good sign that spring is on its way. Happy weekend and shadow seeking to all!
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Hey Harriet to see many more shadowy photos from around the world.
Lovely, sunny shots! I think many of us are having to search our photo files for shadow shots as we wait impatiently for more sunshine and warmth. These are a wonderful reminder of how lovely the sunshine is!! Have a great weekend!
Ah, to have some sunny summer shadow shots! Soon, right??
I'm with ya on the tiger lilies...I'll even do dandelions at this point!!!
Ahhh sunny days, where are you now. We have rains over here.
Shadows in the Park
Hi again...it's the back of a great beast...the elephant...
You can take some of our overgrown garden full of weeds if you like. We have had the wettest of summers which means we haven't had many fine days to get out to pull them up. Not that i'm complaining and very soon I, like you, will be pining for the warmer weather. Lovely shots!
The last shot is beautiful!
Sunny Outdoor Shadows
Yay! Spring is finally on its way. For you anyway! I love tiger lilies but I've never tried growing them. Enjoy the beginning of your warm sunny days.
Love the patterns created by the chair back! For some reason it reminds me of a church window!
Lovely shadows, and a beutiful splash of colour from the lily!
Nifty shadows and lovely lilies too!
Hugs and blessings,
Yippeee for spring & new shadows of the lawn chairs for 2010! We can't wait either Patti....just a little more patience :)
:) I have that same chair.
LOve the shadow!
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