It's the steeple of the First Congregational Church in Derby, Ct. We've been members since 2001.
It's a small but friendly congregation. Ralph is one of the deacons, and serves Communion once every three months, despite the fact that he uses a wheelchair. He manages!
Occasionally I teach a Sunday School class.
See many more photos of the heavens by visiting our hostess, Tisha, that CrAzY Working Mom.
very pretty!
smiles, bee
Great photo! That is one thing I would love to take a series of photos of...church buildings. Beautifully done.
The Misplaced Midwesterner
There's something to be said for tall white New England steeples; I just love 'em myself!
Reminds me of your Steeple Chase series, something I think of every time I look at a church steeple these days!
Lovely framing of this white steeple!
Hugs and blessings,
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