I took them from inside the car.
I love this historic structure. I should have taken the time to get out of the car to photograph the arched entranceway, above which Minerva, goddess of wisdom and knowledge, rests.
The entrance is to the right in the photo.
And here it is in a sepia tone, vignette-style. Which do you prefer?
This info is from the library's site:
"The Ansonia Public Library was dedicated on June 9, 1892. But it sat vacant for four years because the town fathers refused to provide the $1,500 per year toward the library's operating expenses. Finally, on Aug. 13, 1896, the town administrators relented and voted the annual $1,500 appropriation."
That must have been high finance in the late 19th century!
I like them both, although I love to see our flag in all its Red, White and Blue colors.
Technically, they aren't the same photo since the flag is waving differently in them ;-)
I confess that I love the colour version better, perhaps because the brick and copper go so well together.
Funny (or sad, really) story about the library not getting enough money to open for a few years. I'm on the board of my local Friends of the Library so know that libraries are ALWAYS fighting foe money.
the flag is at half staff. i wonder why?
smiles, bee
Well there's an assignment for you for when the weather is warmer - you are to get out and take a picture of the parts of the library you didn't get in this picture! I'd love to see it!
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