It's times like these that it really helps to have a blog.
Bloggers are able to go to the computer and talk about whatever is going on at the moment. It is truly therapeutic to get the words out and onto the screen , even if we can barely see the monitor as tears well up in our eyes.
Today we lost our little Rigby kitty. A sweet little cat was he.

He was acting fine earlier this morning. But as I was visiting fellow bloggers and Shadow Shot Sunday participants Ralph suddenly yelled to me that Rigby couldn't walk. Rigby was lying on our son's bedroom floor and his legs wouldn't move. And he was meowing. Loudly.
It was so difficult to see him incapacitated like that, when an hour earlier he was running with his brother, Linus, from the front window to the back window to look at an interloper cat they had spotted on the driveway.
I called the vet, expecting an answering service. Luckily someone in the office answered, and, long story short she made an appointment for me at an emergency veterinary clinic about seven miles away. I threw on my clothes, scooped Rigby into the soft cat bed to try to comfort him and put him in the back seat.
He meowed and cried all the way there. I was talking to him and I had my right hand on him about half the time I was driving, trying my best to soothe him.
The doctor explained that what had happened was he had thrown a clot, which cut off the circulation to his hind legs. It turns out Rigby had heart disease, she said, after looking at a picture of his enlarged heart.
It's so sad to say good-bye to a little guy who wasn't very old. We thought we had many more years ahead to enjoy his antics.
Ralph and I have comforted ourselves in the knowledge that we gave Rigby a wonderful life in loving home, and we did all we could to make him happy.
He occasionally enjoyed using the computer, I know that.
He may have known how to read, who really knows?
And he liked plants.

We are concerned about his brother, Linus. We adopted them together in January of 2008 and they were never far apart. They had been in a bad environment, but fortunately for them they were rescued and placed in a foster home. Their rescuer, Cindy, brought us to the foster home one Saturday where we met them, in a room full of kitties waiting for someone to take them home.
Linus, the bigger brother, was Rigby's protector, but eventually they felt safe enough here that he would leave Rigby's side and do his own thing.
By his own thing, I guess I mean nap by himself!

I took this photo during the Superbowl. I don't think they were interested in the game. But I'm glad now that I captured this pose. = ^ . ^ =
oh my goodness patti, i an devastated by this news. i know you loved the little adorable guy. you have my very deepest sympathy honey.
hugs, bee
Thank you, Bee
Oh no, Patti, this is such horrible news! As soon as I saw the title of your post a lump came up in my throat and my eyes filled with tears as I know how very much you and Ralph and the kids loved Rigby. Plus I just feel so sad that poor Rigby didn't have the chance to grow old in the comfort and love of your home with his big brother by his side. Sometimes life is just so very, very unfair.
You have my deepest sympathies and condolences. I hope it comforts you some to know that Rigby was well-loved and taken care of and I bet he knew that.
Big hugs to all of you and to Linus, too.
Its so hard to lose a furry friend. I had a cat throw a clot (on the weekend of course). She was 5 or 6 years old.
So sad. So sorry.
Oh, Patti... I am so sorry for your loss of Rigby! I know you all must be feeling really sad tonight. The pictures you have posted are so sweet! My thoughts are with you!
Kindly, ldh
Patti...I am so sorry. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet. I am so sorry this happened to such a beautiful baby! You are both in my thoughts.
Patty, I'm so sorry. I know you and Ralph loved him so, I'm glad he ended up with you and had such a good life. Love to you both.
I am so very sorry. My deepest sympathies to you, Ralph and Linus. I'm sure you have many beautiful memories of Rigby to hold onto and cherish & hopefully they'll help get you through this sad time. Rigby was very lucky to be part of such a loving family.
Love Tracy xo
I am just so saddened to here about this.....My heart goes out to you and Ralph....but remember what joy he brought to you, and us too!! He did his job...
Peace and hugs.
Patti very sorry to hear this. I know how hard it is to lose a pet and it is a bummer.
So sorry Patti & famiily,
Pets are such members of the family, all the see things they do and little habits, likes and dislikes. You'll always have that love in your heart and good time memories. He's feeling much better now(that's what I believe). love to you all,
Oh, Patti, I am so sorry. I've had to say goodbye to many of my little lovies over the years and it always breaks my heart. We love them real good every day, never knowing which will be their last. Big kitty Momma hugs xo
I know how much you loved Rigby and I know how much it hurts. I'm so sorry Patti. It's the hardest part of having these wonderful critters in our life.
Big hugs to you all and an extra big hug to Linus.
Oh how sad ... Rigby was such a cute (and well-read) kitty. Linus must be lonely and confused. I had no idea cats got heart disease or could 'throw clots' ... my heart goes out to you and Ralph.
Hugs and blessings,
Oh Patti, my heart goes out to you.
Only pet people know what it's like to lose one.
Rigby is at the Rainbow Bridge now waiting for when he can run into your arms again.
You and Ralph give each other a hug for me.
I hope Linus will do ok.
Patti, I am so sorry for your loss!
I am so sorry to hear about Rigby Patti. Poor little thing-and poor Linus being left on his own. Poor you and Ralph too. I love all the pictures you have posted of him and how you write about him. At least he had a lovely life with you two while he was here. xx
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