Friday, November 21, 2008

Can't find the time for more memes ~

I really don't know how some people are so organized to be able to do a different meme every day.
Must get organized.

I know there's the wildly popular Skywatch Friday meme and I've seen awesome photos of cloud formations, sunrises and sunsets posted. I've never played, and I figure once I sign up I'd be committed to play all the time.
That's just me, I guess.
I snapped all three of these earlier this month.

I do have plenty of photo fun doing Ruby Tuesday and Creative Photography each week. They're a great way to share photos and keep your creative juices flowing.
I recommend visiting Mary T, The Teach and Roger in Idaho to learn more and play along!
Thanks as always to both of them for hosting the memes.

The last photo here is a repost, but I like the feeling of 'chilly November getting-dark-way-too-early' that it conveys, so I'm posting it again. So there.
Happy November!


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

your photos are not loading Patti

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...



cool skywatch photos...or non-skywatch photos that happen to be of the sky...

have a grand weekend

Dianne said...

the thing you MUST remember is 'blogging without obligation'

I love SkyWatch but can only participate now and then.

Plus I like the projects where you can actually visit the others and get to know them - SW is so huge I feel lost in it.

the point is - all this has to remain fun otherwise what's the point? you could just work more and make money :)

oh and there's Sepia Scenes and Shadow Shots you could try - LOLOLOLOLOL

Helen Bennett Harvey said...

all i can say is WOW

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I say do what you can when you can.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Welcome to Skywatch Patti! I'm glad to see you take part in SWF :) These you've taken are pretty cool.

Have a good weekend!!

Napaboaniya APAD

Ingrid said...

I am actually in Egypt on holidays and all my memes or themes are published on my main blog Writer Cramps. There you will find everything myself included, lol !

Mimi Lenox said...

LOVELY photos, Patti. You really have an eye for photography.

Mimi Lenox said...

I agree with Dianne about "blogging without obligation"....I'm re-thinking the whole thing myself. Need a plan. A formula. A life....

Linda said...

Well, no matter when you posted them, I think they're beautiful.

I used to do the Saturday Photo Hunt but then felt bad that I couldn't get around to all of the participants and stopped doing it. Sometimes there just isn't enough time to do everything - and that includes all of the memes that look like fun.

Like Dianne said, do what you can when you can and you know that we'll always be happy to stop in and visit!

Patti said...

Bond: glad they worked, wouldn't want you to miss anything here!

Dianne: You're right, this is about having fun and meeting friends.

Helen: thanks

Queenie: yep

Elaine: but I didn't sign up ;-)

Gattina: I got confused the other day when I was visiting.

Queen Mimi: Thanks and you DO have a life, silly.

Duchess Linda: Thanks, taking sky shots really is interesting.