Ralph and I like to light a candle or two on the dinner table to create some ambiance. So as I was lamenting the fact I couldn't find anything red around the house, there was my Ruby entry waiting for me.
You can see the some of the letters of the words Yankee Candle in reverse on the glass.

I wrote a story about their efforts. They created 27 blankets which were to be blessed last Sunday and given to patients at the veterans hospital this week. They tied them to the balcony railings to display them.

To see many more Ruby Tuesday entries, or to post a ruby shot of your own, visit Mary T, The Teach. Thanks as always go to Mary for hosting this fun meme.
I love both of these shots. Ambiance...eh? Giggling...
I did the meme. It is here.
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Thank you, your Highness! You work fast once you get started.
wow the blanket thing is incredible. and you manage a little romantic candle now and then..lol
Love Yankee Candles - especially cherry!
The image of all those blankets is beautiful. What a wonderful endeavor.
Patti the church shot is fantastic!!
such a warm feeling yet the church is so elegant
I love it. and the blankets are beautiful.
And there you had two beautiful pictures right there for the meme! I love how the blankets are draped around the church - that is just beautiful!
As for candles, I think I need to get up and blow out the way I've been burning today. Not for ambiance mind you but for the scent - I'm afraid there isn't much need for ambiance in my life anymore. You and Ralph enjoy it, okay?!?
Great shots, I love them both. Wow those blankets are amazing.
So, from nothing you ended up with TWO somethings...
Nicely done!
I miss candles. I'm afraid to light them because I'm afraid Angel (cat) will burn the house down. She would think it was great fun to push it off whereever it was sitting or find some other way to wreak havoc. The blankets are wonderful.
Lovely photos!
I love the idea that you and Ralph both blog. I find that fascinating! Such a nice, romantic candle.
The blankets are really special. Thanks for visiting my foliage post two minutes after I hit publish!
Hi, Patti,
I am all for the ambiance thing, candle light, music and a good meal.
Even an ordinary meal tastes better in the right atmosphere.
Our mornings and nights are getting colder and darker, therefor wee burn candlelight all the time.
I like the thought of Ralph and you having a good time together.
I also liked the idea of bringing handmade carpets to your church for blessings.
Must be a double warm gift for the veterans.
The warm heart finds its ways to bring comfort, always.
From Felisol
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