Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sending a message of peace

I couldn't connect to the Internet this morning. Errggh. It was a stressful couple of hours, but it's working now. It just seems really slow.
Over the weekend my husband and I each made a peace globe for our blogs to mark Blog Blast for Peace June 6. It was his first globe, and my second.

Creating a peace globe takes just a few minutes and I recommend making one. It will make you feel good. People all over the world are taking part.

For complete information and to see other people's creations, visit Mimi, founder of the Peace Globe Movement.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

yes, just DO IT! ha ha

smiles, bee

Joan said...

Okay...I'm exhausted right now from all my template fiddling but I will try and do a peace globe when I recover. I know you mentioned it before but I forgot...so what else is new? :~)

Lynn said...

I couldn't connect to the internet either this morning...oh wait, that must have been because I was at work, and computer use is highly restricted...I will head on over and try to figure out how to make a peace globe:~)

Patti said...

Bee: yup, just do it
Joan & Lynn: I know you can figure it out!