I figured if I could get blog posts out of my garden gnomes and people would actually comment on said posts, I could get one out of this garden flag.
The sad part is, this photo is from several years ago. The flag got brittle and shredded from years in the direct sun and I had to throw it out last year.
The dilemma du jour is I need to find a replacement flag. I have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and harvest-themed flags (picture pumpkins on a wagon), but I need a Memorial Day/Flag Day/Fourth of July-themed one.
And I cannot seem to find one that I like.
i have a great idea! just use an AMERICAN FLAG!! ha ha
i love memorial day...
smiles, bee
I do have one ~ but I love garden flags too !!
Have a great holiday ;-)
Flags are awesome and the teddy is cute.
Go to Meez.com and make yourself a teddy bear patriotic avatar. If you need help, let me know. It's fun! (see comment to your comment on my blog)
Happy Memorial! Happy napping.
Hmmm...where to find a patriotic garden flag??? I guess I'm no help. It's too late now for this holiday but have you tried online? According to Hubby, he thinks you can find anything and everything online...not that he's ever bought anything that way!
Joan - LOL...I know I can find one online, but those shipping costs..
I am wondering how Twelve and Ten are faring without your sister around all weekend. I hope she is having a relaxing time.
I haven't gotten a frantic phone call from my brother-in-law so I'm thinking everyone is surviving...I hope!!!
I'm sure everything is just fine. Lynn must have them all trained.
My Canadian flag is flying and as always brings a lot of attention from my neighbors who obviously fly the American flags. Our Canadian troups also suffer casualities of war so this is always my tribute to them on Memorial Day, July 1st (Canada day and my birthday) and Nov 11th Veterans day. On July 4th, I do fly my American flag.
Have you tried the Christmas Tree Shop in Orange? They usually have ones. And if not, the Canvas Patch in Milford (a bit more pricey) is a big garden flag seller.
Hi Sarah! Thanks for the suggestions.
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