Monday, June 29, 2009
Ruby Tuesday ~ hoping for blooms

color red,
Ruby Tuesday,
summer flowers
Monday thoughts
It's Monday morning, and I should be refreshed and ready to come up with something semi- interesting to talk about here. I hate missing so many days of blogging, but I don't have too many ideas lately.
Our daughter Allegra is having a great time in Grand Rapids, Mich. I guess I can tell you about that. She is a young adult delegate to the UCC's General Synod, a convention of sorts that happens every two years. She attended the 2007 one in Hartford.
Allegra loves learning about U.S. history and happily on Saturday she was able to visit the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum (not sure if that is the correct name). She said it was really interesting.
We're glad she has the interest in history that Ralph and I had worked hard to impart to her and her brother.
And it worked! He enjoys learning history too.
She's returning Wednesday afternoon - two flights. I'll try my best not to be nervous while she is in the air.
Hope everyone has a great Monday.
Our daughter Allegra is having a great time in Grand Rapids, Mich. I guess I can tell you about that. She is a young adult delegate to the UCC's General Synod, a convention of sorts that happens every two years. She attended the 2007 one in Hartford.
Allegra loves learning about U.S. history and happily on Saturday she was able to visit the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum (not sure if that is the correct name). She said it was really interesting.
We're glad she has the interest in history that Ralph and I had worked hard to impart to her and her brother.
And it worked! He enjoys learning history too.
She's returning Wednesday afternoon - two flights. I'll try my best not to be nervous while she is in the air.
Hope everyone has a great Monday.
History lesson,
Friday, June 26, 2009
Looking at the Sky

I call this 'French king on horse.'
I took it when our group (daughter's high school trip) traveled to Versailles, which is about a half-hour drive outside of Paris.
I didn't crop out the date stamp because I would have lost some of the clouds.

To see more photos of the sky, visit Tisha, our meme hostess, at CrAzY Working Mom.
Looking at the Sky,
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sepia Scenes

To see many more sepia-fied pictures, visit Mary at Sepia Scenes.
Derby Day,
sepia scenes
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
* Ruby Tuesday *

This is Prinkles. Her bright red hair attracted me for a Ruby Tuesday shot. I didn't talk to her because I wasn't really in the mood for a balloon animal, which is what she was busy doing.

To see more Ruby Tuesday posts, visit our hostess, Mary T, at Work of the Poet.
color red,
Ruby Tuesday
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day spurs happy, sad memories

This is my dad, Donald McDonald. He may look dour here, but he really wasn't. He suffered from a multitude of ailments, from arthritis to renal failure. He was ill a lot when I was young, but he was a wonderful father to his only child.
He was a smart man, intellectually-oriented, but kept his feelings mostly to himself. I attributed that in part to a tough childhood.
He was the oldest of six and when he was 14 their father died. So he became the responsible one, going to work at 15 while he was in high school. He ended up continuing at the company and became an executive there. He worked for the same company for 50 years, something unheard of today. He died when he was just 65.

He was born in Germany in 1895, and came to the United States when he was 4, along with his mother and three brothers. Their father had immigrated here first, found a job and then sent for his wife and sons.
I can't imagine what my great-grandmother must have gone through, crossing the Atlantic in steerage for days, caring for three little boys. What a soft life I lead in comparison!
Grandpa made friends easily, wherever he went he found someone to chat with. He would talk about anything! He loved animals, and apparently he loved to grow sunflowers!
Grandpa had a great sense of humor and was always full of silly stories when I was little. He used to send me cards and put "Elvis Presley" as the return address. One of his favorite expressions was "Holy smokes! the church is on fire."
Grandpa died when he was 84, nine months after my grandmother died. They had been married for almost 63 years. That's a long time, I'd say.
This year for Father's Day we made dinner for Ralph. I think he enjoyed it. I hope he did. We went to an antique car show, only to get there and find it had been postponed until July 19. And it wasn't even raining! That was a disappointment. Ralph loves to look at old cars.I hope he had a nice Father's Day anyway.
Happy Father's Day,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
At home with a gnome

As you can see he has a green hat, unlike most gnomes that always seem to sport a red chapeau.
I wonder if you can spot some of the other things in this picture, i.e. a frog, a bunny, and a turtle...if you can, you have good eyesight.
I only see them because I know they're there.
I hope this little post made you smile..it made me smile to post it.
garden decor,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ruby Tuesday ~ what a doll

Midge certainly has a cute, girl-next-door look. I'd say she's the wholesome one of the two - like Betty is to Veronica.

color red,
Ruby Tuesday
Monday, June 15, 2009
Another post about David Humphreys

We returned to a nearby historic house that we enjoy visiting from time to time.
It is the birthplace of Revolutionary War hero David Humphreys, who was an aide-de-camp to George Washington. The house is just about a mile down the hill from our humble abode.

They included Revolutionary War and War of 1812 heroes, as well as a Derby man who went off to fight in the Civil War when he was in his mid-50s.
I regret I didn't take any notes, but I wasn't working so ... I left notebook (and brain) at home.

We recognized a lot of the last names on the headstones. Most of these people seem to have streets named after them.
Below we have an interesting stone in the shape of a tree that stopped growing. Legend has it that it is symbolic of the young girl on whose grave it rests, someone who died before she was fully grown.

I hope you enjoyed your brief tour.
David Humphreys,
local history
Computer gremlins stole part of my post
Last evening when it was my turn on the computer I was putting together a scintillating blog post with photos and such. When I was almost done, the last third of it disappeared. I didn't feel like continuing and redoing at that point, so I turned off the computer.
It was about our local hero from the Revolutionary War, Gen. David Humphreys, who was aide-de-camp to George Washington and later a successful industrialist.
I shall finish it later.
That's all from here. Happy Monday ~
It was about our local hero from the Revolutionary War, Gen. David Humphreys, who was aide-de-camp to George Washington and later a successful industrialist.
I shall finish it later.
That's all from here. Happy Monday ~
David Humphreys,
local history
Friday, June 12, 2009
I seem to have lost my blog groove...
and I really need to play catch-up.
I love blogging, but I couldn't find the time or energy this week. The only blogging I did was taking part in two fun photo memes, Ruby Tuesday and Looking at the Sky.
My thanks to Mary T and Tisha, for without their inspiration and meme-hosting, I would really be at loose ends.
Maybe I should blame my funk on the MURK, which is how I describe the gloomy, clammy weather we've been having around here. I sure hope it goes away soon.
I wish everyone a wonderful, murk-free weekend ~
I love blogging, but I couldn't find the time or energy this week. The only blogging I did was taking part in two fun photo memes, Ruby Tuesday and Looking at the Sky.
My thanks to Mary T and Tisha, for without their inspiration and meme-hosting, I would really be at loose ends.
Maybe I should blame my funk on the MURK, which is how I describe the gloomy, clammy weather we've been having around here. I sure hope it goes away soon.
I wish everyone a wonderful, murk-free weekend ~
photo memes
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Looking at the Sky ~ last week

Visit our meme hostess, Tisha, at CrAzY Working Mom to see many more sky photos.

Looking at the Sky,
photo memes,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ruby Tuesday ~ the '60s

But when I stepped into the garage this morning I spied something red on the shelf and got inspired.
Voila! Ready-made red subject matter. (And it pre-dates the song "Ruby Tuesday" by several years. Showing my age here.)
And here's our retirement (tee hee - I wish) . One of the early Barbies. My much-loved friend from childhood. I wonder how much she is worth? She's in fairly good shape for an old gal.

color red,
Ruby Tuesday
Monday, June 8, 2009
Technical difficulties...
were experienced this weekend.
I actually felt my brain working overtime Saturday morning as I tried to do my normal stuff using a Macintosh Power Book instead of our Gateway, which was in need of a part.
Hallelujah and saints be praised - the part arrived via the U.S. Postal Service this morning, and my son fixed the Gateway for me.
I feel better now. Call me old fashioned, but I can't get used to using a laptop.
I actually felt my brain working overtime Saturday morning as I tried to do my normal stuff using a Macintosh Power Book instead of our Gateway, which was in need of a part.
Hallelujah and saints be praised - the part arrived via the U.S. Postal Service this morning, and my son fixed the Gateway for me.
I feel better now. Call me old fashioned, but I can't get used to using a laptop.
Technical difficulties
Friday, June 5, 2009
Looking at the Sky ~ at sunset

This is last Saturday's sunset reflected on clouds to the north of us.

When I turned around this is what I saw to the south. Not a cloud in the sky.

For many more sky photos, visit our hostess, Tisha, at CrAzY Working Mom.

Looking at the Sky,
photo memes,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A simpler time and place

My father has been gone since March of 1976; he died at 65. I will always miss him. I still have questions that I wish I could ask him, I know he would have the answers.
I do remember how he was looking forward to the nation's Bicentennial. He missed out on the celebrations.
He looks about five years old in this picture, sitting on a pony outside their New Haven home with his sister, Phyllis. If he was 5 here, that would mean the photo was taken in 1916.
I was told photographers would travel around neighborhoods and ask parents if they wanted a picture taken of their little darlings.
I'm sure glad today that my grandmother said yes!
Ralph scanned the undated photo for me. Below is a sepia-fied version, much closer to the original. Which one do you prefer?

old photographs
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
* * * Springtime shots

According to Wikipedia the word rhododendron is from the Greek, rhodos, meaning "rose", and dendron, "tree."
color pink,
photo fun,
spring flowers
Monday, June 1, 2009
Ruby Tuesday ~ evening shot

I took this with a flash Saturday evening just as it was getting dark. I went outside to capture a sunset shot, and got a Ruby Tuesday photo at the same time. This planter is at the end of our short driveway.

To see many more Ruby Tuesday posts and to join in the fun, visit our friend Mary T, at Work of the Poet.
color red,
night photography,
Ruby Tuesday
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