Having people share their hopes for "whirled" peace is what the creators of the Pinwheels for Peace project hope to achieve.
According to
www.pinwheelsforpeace.com, two high school art teachers in Florida launched the project in 2005 to commemorate International Day of Peace, which is Sept. 21. And the idea has taken off throughout the United States.
On Monday I visited an elementary school that took part in the initiative. With the help of their art teacher, all of the 440 students made pinwheels and decorated them with colorful drawings and messages of what their wishes are for peace.
Pupils create pinwheels for peaceBy Patricia Villers
Register Staff
DERBY — Irving School pupils planted paper pinwheels in front of the school Monday with peace messages that ranged from the global — “I want peace in Africa” — to more local concerns — “I would like to see peace in the lunchroom.”

Read the full story
Fourth-grader Stephen Jette places a pinwheel in the ground in front of Irving School in Derby Monday as part of Pinwheels for Peace, an art and literacy project started in 2005. This is the second year Irving School has participated in the event.
Brad Horrigan/RegisterFollowing this (peace) train of thought, I bring you
Mimi, Queen of Memes, and her next
BlogBlast for Peace.
Mimi has scheduled the blogosphere event for Nov. 6, and she hopes this BlogBlast will be bigger than ever.

Truth be told, I have yet to make a new peace globe. But Ralph
(Airhead 55) and I will be taking part in this BlogBlast (as soon as we get our act together). We have participated in the past, and this initiative by Mimi has truly taken on a life of its own, thanks to all of her efforts. I tip my crown to her (she has dubbed me a princess, so I do indeed have a blog-crown).
So the message today is simple: get a
peace globe template and get to work!
BlogBlast may be six weeks away, but as we all know, time has a way of flying by.
You don't want to be sentenced to the Queen's dark, dank dungeon in Bloggingham Castle now, do you?