I was happy that Kid One was able to come home this weekend to be with us as we strolled along the riverwalk.
We ended up doing the four-mile round trip.

goofing around on bench ----->
(notice bunny ears)

Note to self: do some research.

When you come upon this idyllic-looking scene you almost forget how close you are to a highway bridge and a busy street filled with fast-food restaurants, supermarkets, stores, gas stations and, well, you get the idea.
This recreational trail is beautiful and has become extremely popular in the two years it has been in existence.
The walk to help the homeless and the hungry is now in its 10th year. We used to walk a shorter, less scenic route along city streets.
The event has become a tradition, and once again the organization sponsoring it has raised money and awareness to help the less fortunate among us. We felt good to be a part of that effort.
Here in Connecticut, another major fund-raising walk, this one to raise money to find a cure for breast cancer, will be held Oct. 14 at Bushnell Park in Hartford.
Click here to sponsor Mags, who is walking in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event with a team named in honor of the one and only Empress Bee.
Bee is a wonderful woman (she calls herself crusty) who was recently diagnosed. She has so many friends in the blogosphere and rightly so.
Coincidentally our daughter, who attends college nearby, told me she will be taking part in the Hartford event with a team of friends from school.
A donation of $5 is all that is asked. I felt good making this small donation and I know you will, too.