Friday, September 19, 2008

Thoughts on cats and hiding from reality

What does a cat have to do to get some service around this joint?
I'm w-a-a-a-a-i-ting ...

Linus (McSqueaky) likes to jump up on a chair to see what's going on at the table.

I'm constantly spraying everything off around here. The cats have taken over.

Rigby (McLoopy) likes to play hide-and-seek ...


And that brings me to this fun drawing and accompanying ditty, created by an artist named B. Andrews, or Anderson, or something like that, with a 1993 copyright. It's hard to read the signature on the print. By sharing this I hope I'm not guilty of some kind of copyright infringement.

It says: "I was never good at hide and seek because I'd always make enough noise so my friends would be sure to find me. I don't have anyone to play those games with any more, but now and then I make enough noise just in case someone is still looking and hasn't found me yet."

Ah, yes. Hide and Seek.

A friend gave me this framed print about 10 years ago and it has hung on the wall ever since. He thought it fit me to a T.
Sadly, I can no longer hide. But it was fun while it lasted.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh that is absolutely wonderful!!!

smiles, bee

Queen-Size funny bone said...

such personality and energy.