Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sepia Scenes * kwazy kats

I took this photo last year but it still works today. Our kitties never cease to amuse us.
Since Linus has sepia-colored markings, I think he's a perfect candidate for Sepia Scenes.
He's a natural!

Visit our meme hostess, Mary T, The Teach, to see many more sepia photos.


Carletta said...

Oooh, look at those teeth! :)
It's funny how cats love running water but will also go out and drink the most stagnant puddle as well.
They are cuties Patti!

maryt/theteach said...

Nice job, Patti! The kitty kats are adorable! :) Happy Sepia SCenes! :)

Anonymous said...

Hehehe! My cats do that too in the tub

Marie said...

Wow! Teeth like a tiger ;-)

Ingrid said...

That's the same here, our cats are also amusing us, lol !

Dianne said...

this works great in sepia

I love those 2 guys :)

Ingrid said...

Really at the source, lol ! How funny, mine do that too ! Apparently water taste better coming out right of the tap.

Ingrid said...

Sorry that must be my Alzenheimer, I came here already, lol !

TorAa said...

Cats are really smart.
Fresh Water please;-)))

Here are our kittens: