This is daughter Allegra at our church picnic in August at our pastor's home.
I can't imagine what she is getting, since she doesn't like potato salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw, or three-bean salad. Tee hee. Maybe she is getting a cookie.
This photo is a bit of a stretch for Ruby Tuesday, but pink counts, I suppose.
And the mustard-laden hot dog is red.

And Pete's shirt is dark red. Oh, you don't know Pete? He's a nice guy, but I didn't know if he would want his picture on my blog. So I cropped him out.
I go for the Stockings;-))
Your daughter seems to be a very polite ind of girl.
She'll probably go for what she dislikes the least with a cute smile.
Daughters are a blessing at any age,and they'll remind so all of their lives.
From Felisol
And I think I can see a RED tomato on her plate.
You just reminded me that i had intended to use my (newly acquired) cropping skill on today's post...oops, I forgot.
Hi Patti, my vote goes for the hot dog! That is one neat hot dog, pretty well made the way I like them.
They are not high on my cardiologist's list but are very high on mine.
A couple of my kids eat soy hot dogs with turkey chili. They could eat a cereal box and be about as tasty.
Happy RT! :-)
Mimi beat me to the red tomato!
Hot dogs, hamburgers, three bean salad - I'm getting hungry Patti!
Carletta’s Captures.
Yes, pink is light red so you are A-OK! Gotta love a picnic that serves tons of food Allegra won't eat. Hope she found something!
Ah, so that's how Allegra stays so slim. Clever young woman!
Yes tomato is red so count in Ruby Tuesday. :)
Mine is here
Your commentary cracked me up. I like the hot dog for red.
That picture made me HUNGRY!☺
I saw some vegetables on that plate and there was a tomato...At lest she will eat them,:-) Happy RT
Quiute pinkily red, M'Dear!
Lol ! I saw some red in the carrots too !
I immediately thought that the post was about the hot dog! And now I am totally hungry and need to go rummage through the refrigerator!
At the church picnic,
you can munch all sorts of food—
if you’re in the mood.
My Ruby Tuesday
I think any shade of red works. I am not a purist. HRT
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