No Vet Left Behind, Inc. is a non-profit on a mission to assist veterans.

They work tirelessly to help veterans of all ages navigate the bureaucracy of the VA system, and they assist them in finding temporary shelter or whatever they need. They are about to open a thrift shop and food pantry to help veterans make ends meet. They've told me there are thousands of homeless veterans in Connecticut alone. It's inconceivable to me that anyone who once served our nation is now living under a bridge or in the woods, as they said.
This is my story that appeared in today's paper.
I wish them the best of luck with their new venture.
i have very mixed feelings about the state of homeless vets. there is much help for them if they want it but sadly many are drug addicts and have been since viet nam. we have tried to help our share of them and sometimes we get lucky and one will break out of the hopelessness of their life but usually not. at the va hospital here in wpb there are many in the mental health facility. it is there to help them and it is good. they have to be ready and most aren't...
hugs, bee
Very nice article, Patti, and it's so nice that these veterans are reaching out to help other vets. Maybe if people had treated our vets better when they first came home from Vietnam, there wouldn't be so many of them in desperate straits these days but sadly, our country's treatment of our war heroes was completely different back then.
Nice to see that we've sort of learned from our mistakes.
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