When we bought a new printer a few months ago, Linus and his brother, McLoopy, I mean Rigby, had so much fun playing in the box I left it on the floor for quite a while. They are just like playful toddlers! And they will never grow up.

To view more sepia photos or post some of your own, visit Mary T. You'll be glad you did!
It seems that no matter how old a cat gets it cannot resist climbing into a box. ;-)
Cats are so mischievious. No place is sacred. Cute.
Linus is a cutie!
We had a cat with cow markings and he was a real chubby kitty so he was our little 'cow.'
Awww Look at the kitty - He's a cuuutie! Nice sepia photo!
I agree they are just like kids. Cute photo!
Mine is
He is a cutie....love that you call it moo-cow markings.
Yup ... kids and cats seem attracted to empty boxes. Linus has lovely moo-markings ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
What a good looking cat you have. He looks great in sepia!
Looks like this has become a cat blog! LOL
Linus is very handsome. What a great subject and Moo Spots is a great title. I like how the white stands out on him.
Also I notice in your profile that the blog said Late Boomer Bloomers.
Are you from Oklahoma? I am just curious because that's where I live!
Wonderful share for all of us. Thank you!!:-)
Ah, the joy of a cardboard box ... I remember it well myself!
I love 'sepiafied' - it sounds so official ;)
and I adore McLoopy - that so fits many cats
a box is like treasure for Mia and Siren
Great job, Patti! Happy Sepia Scenes! :)
Love the moo-cow cat.
I'll check in my pix. My sister-in-law has a moo-cow cat too, lying on a sepia colored sofa. She's so cute.
I am a cat-lady.
Totally lost when I meet one.
I meow, I don't moo.
Cool sepia experience. Broaden my visual and language horizon.
From Felisol
Great effects on the flower
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