This is a photo of our cats (Linus on the left, Rigby on the right) from last summer, looking out the slider. So what do you think of their moo-cow markings?

To see some much more creative photos, visit Roger, photographer and friend extraordinaire, over at
Idaho Photo and click on the Creative Photo tab.
Wow that is awesome edit Patti! Your outdoing yourself again!! :D
Very kewl photos of your fur kids ... I need to experiment with monochrome and sepia one of these days.
Hugs and blessings,
Excellent edit Patti
Wow...your creativity has turned a wonderful photo into an even more interesting pen-and-ink-looking sketch! Great work!
Now that you mention it, they do have some bovine markings, don't they? Very cool editing there!
love the effect. Great job Smiles B
These are excellent. Please if you have a momrnt can you tell how you acomplished this.
Je n'ai jamais eu des chats qui s'entendaient bien comme ces deux là.
Dès que mon chat en voyait un autre cela se finissait en bagarre pour son territoire!
Je sens la complicité entre Linus et Rigby.
I like the editing you have done, you can almost see each hair.
The result is absolutely wonderful !
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