I still don't have much to post about today, and my Sepia Scenes post is for tomorrow.
I just had a thought. (woo hoo!) I'll link a story I wrote recently about a just published book on an interesting subject. It's time for some local history, kids.
Click here to read about Ebenezer Bassett (1833-1908), who was the first black man ever appointed a United States ambassador.

Mr. Bassett sounds like he was the ideal candidate for the position and I'm sure that those in Haiti were quite thrilled to have him there, especially considering he used the consulate to save so many. President Grant made an excellent choice.
Seems to me that our first "African American" President really ought to do something to recognize such a gentleman as Ambassador Bassett being as how such a big deal was made about his big historic moment.
By the by, I never have anything scintillating to post about but I post anyway! If there was anything scintillating going on in my life, I wouldn't have any time to post! :-)
Duchess Linda: I think you have scintillating stuff to write about!
Very interesting, Patti! Thanks for your comment on my new badge for Sepia Scenes. That's picture of the Everglades... :)
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