Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sepia Scenes ~ beige snow

This was the view out my back window Jan. 16.
I posted this on that day, but I thought it was worthy of a re-post. It's not dirty snow, just sepiafied.
Here is the original color shot:

Which do you prefer?

To view more Sepia Scenes, visit our hostess, Mary, The Teach.


Joan said...

I vote for the sepia. There's something about the way it captures shadows and light which makes the photo even more dramatic.

Amrita said...

Lovely shot touched up beautifully

Carletta said...

I agree with Joan that the sepia picks up the shadows and light; but I'm a snow girl at heart and love it's brightness.
It's a toss up for me.

Juliana said...

lovely shot...

My entry for SS this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

Linda said...

Even though I do like the sepia, I think I like the original a bit better. The snow gets way too dirty on its own as it is!

Most of ours here in Norwich has melted with the past couple of warm days - how's your's in Ansonia doing??

maryt/theteach said...

Patti, I think you know where my vote is but really the color photo is excellent too! :) Happy Sepia Scenes!

Anonymous said...

I have seen snow that color before. Especially in Arizona. I guess sand dust blowing around. Nice shot.

Rose said...

I like either one, but the sepia makes me think of a beach.

Leora said...

I do like it in sepia. Feel like I'm being transported to another world, a calm one.

Dianne said...

I like the sepia tone, makes the light on the snow soft

Ingrid said...

I prefer the real one. I don't like sepia or black and white !

PJ said...

It's always hard to say. I like the sepia best but if I hadn't seen it, well, the second would be wonderful all on its own.

Annie Jeffries said...

Warmed up snow and no slush! Cool.

storyteller said...

Hmm ... I like them both, but think I prefer the original.
Hugs and blessings,