The wind is howling. Brrrrrrr. A perfect day for blogging. And drinking coffee and eating breakfast that Ralph has planned.
I may venture into a baking mode and attempt this cookie mix I got the other day.
I usually end up making drop cookies. For some reason the cookie-cutter thing never works out for me.

Apologies to Queen Mimi for stealing a photo idea and just showing part of my face, but of course imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

your little trees are lovely!
smiles, bee
Wow, you got hit worse than we did....we had lots of wind, and snow turned to sleet and ice then rain....no accumulation!
Peace and enjoy the scenery now...we'll get sick of it soon!
Brrr. Just looking at these photos makes me cold. That cookie mix does look quite appetizing..add some hot chocolate or hot vanilla, and you might just convince me to live where it snows...naaaah
I love the photo!
Now....can I have a cookie.
Bee: thanks
Odat: we will get sick of it soon. It's only December!
Lynn: It's OK ~ it melts eventually
Mimi: they're slightly burnt
Oh yay the little trees look all swirly in that picture.
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