I went on another five-minute photo shoot today in the side yard. This flower is a neighbor of the one (Rose of Sharon?) that I photographed and wrote about on
July 31.Can anyone identify it for me?
I have no clue what it is. I know I could look it up, but that would ruin the fun.
Thank you in advance.
is it a rose of sharon?
smiles, bee
I thought the other one was
I don't know but it sure is purdy!!!!
Alas, horticulture has never been my forte. That being said, it sure is a pretty flower, and a great picture.
Odat: yes, it is. I'm wondering if it's a weed.
Lynn: thanks for the compliment
We have gobs of those flowers around here.. no clue what it is though lol.
Yes. It's a Rose of Sharon. My neighbor had several of these trees.
It looks like an old-fashioned morning glory. Honeysuckle variety.
I don't know what it's called ... but that doesn't take away from it's beauty.
It is what it is ... whether we put a label on it or not. :)
Mahala: they are everywhere
Karen J: welcome! thanks for the info
Mimi: could be...
It's a very pretty white flower with some red in the center - how's that for definitive?!?
Dan: this is true :-)
Linda: you sound like me
I thought it looked like Rose of Sharon too. Maybe it was Mabel of Huron.
PK: Or Agnes of Akron.
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