This is the optimistic message I received in my fortune cookie tonight.
Ralph and I both were pleased with the fortunes we got, and since we are now addicted to blogging we immediately looked at each other and said, "let's use these on our blogs." We think alike much of the time, it's safe to say.
Practically speaking, my dearest dream is to earn more money and feel valued. I have other dreams, but I'm being practical for the moment.
I'm not talking big money, that's not my goal, but simply enough to feel valued for what I know I can do.
My job rewards me with lots of attention and recognition and thanks, but those things, though appreciated, obviously won't pay the bills.
Should I look for another job? Yes. Am I afraid of the interview process? But of course.
Am I revealing too much of myself? Most definitely.
oooohhhh....a "dearest dream"....I can't wait to read about the unveiling of the dream. Dear Patti, please be forthcoming when this occurs. We won't think you're too revealing. I have a good vibe about this!
yeah, what mimi said, sorry i am soooo sleepy...
smiles, bee
My last interview for a job was a long, long, long time ago. At the time I was too young and naive to be nervous. Now I shudder at the thought. (I think that is a normal reaction for people over um, let's say 30.) However, you are quite articulate, and I know that in whatever area you choose to interview, you will do an outstanding job! I hope that you achieve your "dearest dream"...you certainly deserve it!
Mimi: ooh, I'm glad you have a good vibe about my future.
Bee: hope you had a good sleep!
Lynn: It's OK if we say over '40' - really. And I appreciate your kind words.
The thought of a job interview now makes me shudder but I'm sure it's just from the memories of interviews past. Now we have a lifetime of experiences and knowledge to draw upon when pressed and I'm sure you would be one heck of an interviewee!
Thank you Joan ~ it's enough to make me shudder too.
You're right ~ I must remember all the experience I have under my belt.
Don't let anything stop ya!!!!
I haven't been interviewed for a job in a long time. I got this one 4 yrs ago because I had worked with the V.P. Actually I hate the interview process!!! Hopefully this will be my last purchasing job. If I decide to work part time once retired, I will be more casual because I won't have to depend on the job to support me.
I've done several posts using fortune cookies as they make such good blog topics! Nice to see that we in Connecticut think alike when it comes to brilliant ideas!
Odat: I know you're right.
Moosie: The idea is making me nervous.
Linda: Yes, they do make good topics.
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