To borrow from Bee: "Be sure to follow these simple rules: Post a short article and include your photograph (or more if you want to) . If you already have a picture online somewhere, then get creative with a new one :) Next include the link to the others who have displayed their pictures, or even include their pictures in your post, adding a reference to it. So far, these are the brave ones :) ..."
Gayla at Mom Gadget
Char at Essential Keystrokes
Paul at Reflections
Rob at 2Dolphins
Zep at The In-Sect
Ingo at Stixster
Stevie at Lost In Cyberspace
The Paper Bull at (oddly enough) The Paper Bull
Lisa Sabin-Wilson at Just A Girl In The World
Dawud Miracle at
Wendy Piersall at eMoms at Home
Dennis Bjorn Petersen at Petersen Inc.
Randa Clay at Randa Clay Design
Drew McLellan at The Marketing Minute
Becky McCray at Small Biz Survival
Phil Gerbyshak at Make it Great!
Steve Woodruff at StickyFigure
Dave Olson at Live the GREAT life that you desire
Greg at Become a Remote Control SEO
Ariane Benefit at Neat Living Blog
Genesis at the At Home Mom Blog
Armen at iFFECT.NET
Mihaela Lica at Online Public Relations
Tara at Graphic Design Blog
Doris Chua at Home Office Women
Edward Mills at Evolving Times
Tony D. Clark at Success from the Nest
Jonathan-C Phillips at SmartWealthyRich
Karen at A Deaf Mom Shares Her World
Lisa Gates at intrinsic life design
Rammel Firdaus at
Carol at Pentimento
Adam Kayce at Monk at Work
Thomas at Technical Blogger
Tammy Lenski at I Can't Say That!
Chris Brown at Branding & Marketing
Rory Sullivan at Hamelife
Derek Wong at Going The Wong Way
Embuck at
Ms. Q at QMusings
Shelly Tucker at This Eclectic Life
Steve at Ramblings from the Marginalized
Troy Worman at on!blog
Lilith at Lilith’s Owl Nest
Revov at REVO-OVER
Karin at Stop/Start
Jamy at Seay's Kopitam
this is a miracle
Anything Goes!
Adrian of First Time Dad
Hui Sen of Brain Spillage
Lis of About-every-little-thing
Diamond of Nonsense, fun, tears, happiness and anger all roled into one
A Nice Place In The Sun
Christy from Christys Coffee Break
Comedy Plus
Eat Your Maths
Twisted Sister
Muffin53 dot com
Late Bloomer Boomer
We are supposed to include a photo. This is me last August playing mini-golf in downtown Hyannis. I know, that's cheating.

Title: Late Bloomer Boomer

Country: United States
Occupation: Journalist
E-Mail: yes
Birthday: Dec. 29
Favorite color: dark pink
Favorite drink: dark pink

Favorite fruit: apple
Favorite dessert: ice cream (sundaes if possible)
Hobbies: blogging
Whew! I did it.
Really don't know who to tag...feel free to take part.
gosh i forgot all about this what with all the pain meds they gave me. ha ha...
smiles, bee
Um, can you list your favorite 'dark pink' drinks?
I'm with Lynn, what's a dark pink drink???
Hope you are feeling better, Bee :-)
Lynn and Linda: no clue
Great post!!! Thanks for sharing yourself with us!!!
Thanks, Odat! and Happy Monday!
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