Saturday, August 4, 2007

They're back ~

Our children are back from church camp. Yay!
Here they are today when they got back in the van, tired but happy.

Kid 2 had more fun because he wasn't working as one of nine counselors for 62 "energetic" middle school-age kids, as his sister was doing.

They are happy to be back in air-conditioning with their computers. And access to the refrigerator.
That makes them sound spoiled. But they aren't, really.


Joan said...

Wow...62 middle school age kids! Kid One deserves a huge award for surviving! Oh...and look...Kid Two does know how to smile! :~D

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

62 kids? Of any age? Pass me the cyanide capsule.

Patti said...

Joan: yes, she at least deserves a good night's sleep

PK: I know, I couldn't take it. Especially during a heat wave...

Lynn said...

Any amount of middle school-age children is too many. I know because a few of my schools are middle schools, and very few people like to work with that age, even for pay! Kudos to Kid One for taking on the challenge, and Bravo to Kid Two for not having to work with them. Did you tell Kid Two a joke to get him to smile, or was it a smile of joy from seeing his mom and dad?

Linda said...

They don't sound spoiled to me at all! They sound like they deserve a few nice amenities after being away from them. Plus with your daughter having put up with 62 kids she deserves some a/c and access to a refrigerator as well as a hearty congratulations!

I manage to get Amanda to smile every great once in awhile, too, but it's a feat!

Patti said...

Lynn: We just said pleeeze smile for the photo and he did.

Linda: thanks, I hope I haven't spoiled them.