Absolutely beautiful! The skies looked like that the other evening when I was driving over to Rhode Island to pick up Jamie at the airport. I had to kick myself because I didn't have my camera with me - duh! When am I going to learn to always, always, always bring it with me?!?
Hi Patty, I believe that this is the week for pink sunsets. I have one, I ran into another (Ralph's??) also.
Happy Sky Looking, :-)
that is one of the most beautiful skies i have seen! way to go! and i just love tisha!!!
smiles, bee
Very cool - one side to the other
how cool is that
2 different views
I love sunset reflections
Wow, isn't that amazing! Wonderful sky. Have a great weekend, Patti :)
Absolutely beautiful! The skies looked like that the other evening when I was driving over to Rhode Island to pick up Jamie at the airport. I had to kick myself because I didn't have my camera with me - duh! When am I going to learn to always, always, always bring it with me?!?
Oh wow... so pretty! The colors in those first two are outstanding and your moon is great!
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