Monday, June 30, 2008

The sky's the limit

This post is dedicated to three friends who recently have shared many photos of clouds on their blogs. Now when I see interesting cloud formations I'm reminded of Linda, Mimi, and Bee.

Here are some I took during our son Cameron's graduation:

The formation below reminds me of the opening scene from The Simpsons:

And here are two I took at our friend Bill's graduation last week from The Sound School on Long Island Sound:

And a photo I snapped in October '05. Too bad about the telephone lines..


Odat said...

In the first pic I see a bunny rabbit (left side).
I see the Simpsonesque clouds too!



Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i just LOVE to look at clouds patti!!

smiles, bee

Linda said...

Gorgeous cloud photos, Patti! And I can definitely see the opening credits of The Simpson in that one picture!

I don't know what it is but lately there is just something even more peaceful than usual to look up into the sky and look at the cloud formations. I don't know if maybe I'm just spending more time looking up this year or if there is something different about the sky but I have been noticing more and more clouds these past few months.

Oh, and I can most definitely tell you that the clouds I saw in New York City this past weekend had nothing on our beautiful Connecticut clouds!