Saturday, December 8, 2007

An angel among us

I met a wonderful person last Saturday ~ her warmth and kindness have inspired me to write something about her, to share a lovely experience with my blog friends.

I was exhausted from trying my best to help my mother with post-fire housing arrangements and shopping all week. I was running about a half-hour late that morning as I drove to pick up my Kid One.
She and I were headed to niece Amy's baby shower that fortunately was being held at a restaurant that was not too far from Kid One's college.

We arrived, nice and late, greeted Amy, her younger sister, Jessica, and their wonderful stepmother, Barbara. Sadly, Amy's mother, Ralph's sister, died a few years back at 46.

Barb showed us two empty seats at one of the tables. We got our brunch buffet and one of Barb's friends I had just met asked me if I wanted a coffee. I must have looked frazzled. She got me the coffee and started chatting with me. Her smile lit up the room.

She and Barb had met through a mutual friend and they hit it off immediately. I can understand why. She is a lovely person.
I needed to feel taken care of that day, and she was there. It was a wonderful feeling to know there are caring people out there, and when the person is a stranger it makes the feeling more special.
This woman was meant to be there for me to meet ~ like an angel.
Maybe someday our paths will cross again. I hope so, anyway.


Lynn said...

People who sense anothers needs (sometimes even a strangers needs) and are willing to act on it, are true angels. I'm sure that you would have done the same for her:~)

Patti said...

Lynn: thank you for that

Casdok said...

They appear when you need them (sometimes!)

Linda said...

I've never doubted that angels walk amongst us and it's nice to know that there was one to give you some comfort and joy at a time when you needed it the most. I hope that you two do meet up again!

Odat said...

God puts people in our lives when we need them........
