Saturday, September 22, 2007


My loving husband (Ralph for those who don't know us yet) has started counting and recording his daily caloric intake. He is being quite diligent about it. And I commend him.

Today I plan to bake a batch of fudge brownies with walnuts.Is that being mean?


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

ha ha ha, well yes, but i am sure he won't be mad, he seems like suck a lovely easy going guy... enjoy!

smiles, bee

Linda said...

You are a wicked, wicked woman. My kinda gal!!

the moose buyer said...

That's absolutely terrible. Before my surgery, brownies were my absolutely favorite desert and I can't imagine just being around the cooking smell without suffering. At least I have an excuse not to eat them because they get stuck and cause pain. Ralph, I am on your side!!! Suck it up buddy and don't let the brownies or Patti halt your weight losing mission.

Patti said...

Bee: you are right. Ralphie is a lovely easy-going guy

Linda: evil giggle here

Moosie: I made them last night and he didn't mind a bit. He is not really overweight, just trying to watch what he eats. In other words, not a very strict diet!

Lynn said...

Ralph may not have minded, but I am sure that I gained another 5 pounds just looking at the picture, and thinking of fudge. sigh

Patti said...

Lynn: It's just a little brownie. You'll be OK ~

sari said...

Moderation, that's the key!


Patti said...

Sari: that's what I say